Gaza: Hamas announces the execution of five Palestinians, including two for “collaboration” with Israel

Published on: 04/09/2022 – 10:46 Hamas, in power in the Gaza Strip, announced that it had executed, on Sunday, five Palestinians, including two men sentenced to death for spying for Israel. According to human rights organizations, 27 executions have been carried out on the orders of the Islamist movement since 2007. A first for about five years. The armed Islamist movement Hamas, in power in the Gaza Strip since 2007, executed on Sunday, September 4, five Palestinians, including two for “collaboration” with Israel. “Sunday morning, the death sentence was carried out against two sentenced for collaborating with the occupation [nom donné par ce mouvement à Israël, NDLR] and three others in criminal cases,” Hamas said in a statement, saying the convicts “had previously obtained their full right to defend themselves” in court. Palestinians under Hamas control since 2007, provided details of each of those sentenced, but did not identify the five executed, merely providing their initials, years or place of birth. The two executed for “collaborating” with Israel are two men, born in 1968 and 1978 respectively. their places of residence” and on “the location of the site of manufacture and launching of rockets”, indicated Hamas. The second, who was “shot”, for his part was condemned for having supplied Israel of 2001 of the “information ments “having” led to the targeting and martyrdom [mort, NDLR] of citizens” by the Israeli forces, Hamas continued, without naming the people who would have been shot dead as a result of this possible information leak. The other three people executed had previous convictions for murder, the ministry concluded. Interior Ministry in its statement. The last known executions date back to 2017In recent years, the authorities in Gaza have sentenced several people to death for various crimes or “collaboration” with Israel, but these sentences have not been carried out. followed, with the last known executions dating back to 2017. on behalf of Israel”. Hamas had justified these executions, like those of the two Palestinians killed on Sunday for “collaboration” with Israel, on the basis of the Revolutionary Code naire of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Hamas is not, however, a member of the PLO, whose revolutionary code is no longer in conformity on this question with the Palestinian Basic Law of 2003. And the Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority joined the UN treaty in 2019 to abolish capital punishment. Dozens of Palestinians have been sentenced to death and 27 executed in the Gaza Strip since 2007, according to human rights organizations. With AFP and Reuters