Hundreds of people in Altsasu ask for the withdrawal of the police during the Ospa Eguna – Noticias de Navarra

End of the demonstration in the Plaza de los Fueros de Altsasu. Jesús Diges Preceded by petitions for a ban and the usual media commotion in addition to the visit to the Altsasu Civil Guard barracks organized by Ciudadanos the day before, the Ospa Eguna was held without incident. The central act has been in the afternoon, with a demonstration that has brought hundreds of people to the streets, around 1,500 according to different calculations, especially young people. The motto was Poliziarik ez. Lagileon aurkako errepresioa gelditu (Police no. Let’s stop the repression against workers) as could be read on the banner that led the march shouting different slogans. Ez, ez, Errepresiorik ez!, Indar errepresiboak kanpora! Criminalizazioa gelditu! and Jotake irabazi art! have been the most repeated. Those across the street also torture people when a Civil Guard vehicle is sighted. Alsasua ignores Ciudadanos and Arrimadas is left without a media show “We are at the gates of the greatest crisis we have ever known and the bourgeoisie is justifying and defending, with all its strength and means, the role played by its uniformed thugs”, they have pointed out. at the end of the demonstration. Likewise, they have denounced having received fines worth 30,000 euros in the last two years and have called “to continue fighting, to organize and shout that we will not accept police.”