Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s attacker refuses to testify before the judge

Fernando Andrés Sabag Montiel, the attacker who tried to take the life of Argentine Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, has refused to testify before the judge in charge of investigating the incident, according to detailed judicial sources. The detainee, a 35-year-old Brazilian with criminal record for possession of an unconventional weapon, is in a Federal Police facility, where federal judge María Eugenia Capuchetti and prosecutor Carlos Rívolo have read the facts and then take a statement, the Télam agency reported. However, he would have declined to speak, alleging that he would have received a blow to the eye at the moment in which he was reduced by the protesters, for which he would have requested to be seen by an ophthalmologist and then refused to testify. However, he has recognized as own the weapon he used to try to attack the former Argentine president, a Bersa brand 32-caliber pistol, which had bullets and was suitable for shot. The judge and the prosecutor Carlos Rívolo seek to determine if Montiel acted alone or if he is part of a conspiracy, for which the investigators have begun to analyze the security cameras to reconstruct the route that the detainee took, his mobile and other devices electronics, reported ‘La Nación’. For now, all the evidence collected indicates that he acted alone, according to what a source from the investigation told the aforementioned newspaper. Montiel has a criminal record for possession of an unconventional weapon, after he was intercepted by the Police on board in March 2021. of a car without insurance, an incident for which the Prosecutor’s Office had to intervene, although the case was finally filed. During that search, the agents found a 35-centimeter knife. The attack against Vice President Fernández de Kirchner occurred this Thursday around 9:00 p.m. local time, when she was returning to her home in the Recoleta neighborhood, in the city of Buenos Aires, after a session in the Senate. In the midst of a group of people who had come to show their support for the recent accusation by the Prosecutor’s Office, Montiel stood out from the crowd and fired a 40-caliber pistol – which was later found to be loaded with five bullets -, which he did not fire. He was quickly neutralized and detained by the Police.