War in Ukraine | Russia suspends until further notice the pumping of gas to Germany by the Nord Stream 1 for… – RTVE

Russia has suspended this Friday and until further notice the pumping of gas that it supplies to Germany through the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline for a “repair”. According to the Russian state consortium, Gazprom the complete suspension of gas flow is due to an oil leak detected during maintenance of the only compressor station still in operation. “Until the malfunction of the equipment is eliminated, the transit of gas through the Nord Stream gas pipeline is completely suspended,” Gazprom reported in its Telegram account. The announcement comes a day before the Russian gas company had to resume gas supply to Europe through the gas pipeline – which was already operating at only 20% of its capacity – after completing three days of maintenance on a turbine at the compressor station . Photo sent by Gazprom to justify the oil leak that has forced the GAZPROM gas pipeline to stop Gazprom argues technical problemsPrecisely, the G7 finance ministers have decided this Friday to “urgently” implement a limit on Russian oil prices. , the deputy head of the Russian Security Council and former president of the country, Dmitry Medvedev, has warned that “there will be no Russian gas” in Europe if the Twenty-seven put a cap on the price of fuel amid debates to do the same with oil “The same thing will happen with oil, there will simply be no Russian gas in Europe,” Medvedev wrote on Telegram. The president of the European Commission (EC), Ursula von der Leyen, has proposed this Friday to set a price cap for Russian gas that is exported to Europe through the various gas pipelines, and reiterated the idea of ​​decoupling the price of electricity from the price of gas.