Gas Russia, Gazprom announces total stop at Nord Stream 1

Russian energy giant Gazprom has announced the suspension of liquefied gas pumping activities at the Portovaya plant, north-west of St. Petersburg, at the start of the Nordstream 1 pipeline that transports undersea gas to Germany. Read also In a note we read that an oil leak has been revealed at the north turbine of the Portovaya station and therefore cannot operate safely due to the damage suffered. For this reason, the text continues without indicating a reopening date, the station will remain closed until the necessary repairs are carried out. Nord Stream 1 was at risk, because only one turbine was operating in the main station. “There is only one turbine that works. You do the calculations,” he said, explaining that there is no spare equipment to replace those that are out of service. Peskov had previously indicated Western sanctions as a cause of impeding the maintenance of the pipeline . “It is not Gazprom’s fault”, he added, but “the functioning of the gas pipeline is in danger,” which was supposed to resume exporting gas to Germany at 4am tomorrow morning. Security Council of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev – commenting on the appeal launched by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen to introduce a gas price cap had warned that Russian gas “will not exist in Europe if the EU decides to introduce a price cap. “” It will be like with oil. There will simply be no Russian gas in Europe, “Medvedev said.