Ségolène Royal questions war crimes in Ukraine, citing Volodymyr Zelensky’s “propaganda”

The former socialist candidate for the 2007 presidential election notably questioned the reality of “bombarded maternity” in south-eastern Ukraine in March. Article written by Published on 02/09/2022 15:19 Updated on 02/09/2022 16:30 Reading time: 1 min. Denouncing “war propaganda through fear” on the part of the Ukrainian president, Ségolène Royal questioned, Thursday, September 1, war crimes in Ukraine. On the set of BFMTV, the former socialist candidate for the 2007 presidential election notably questioned the reality of “bombarded maternity” in Mariupol in March. “You can imagine that if there was the slightest victim, the slightest baby with blood, in the age of cell phones we would have had them (the images)…”, she declared. Ségolène Royal also questioned the Boutcha massacre or “the story of child rape for seven hours under the eyes of the parents”. “It’s monstrous to go out and broadcast stuff like that just to disrupt the peace process,” she said. According to her, Volodymyr Zelensky “used this” to interrupt the peace process. “There is war propaganda through fear”: Ségolène Royal questions certain possible war crimes in Ukraine pic.twitter.com/C02qnhfQtr – BFMTV (@BFMTV) September 1, 2022 These statements have provoked strong reactions. “Peace in Ukraine is not made impossible by the victims of the invasion, but by Putin’s will to conquer!” Reacted on Twitter the First Secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure. “War crimes are documented, denying it is an insult to the murdered, the raped, the tortured! To say the opposite is propaganda!”, He continued. “Ukrainians are the resisters in a war they did not choose until proven otherwise,” he added. Raphaël Glucksmann, MEP for the Place Publique movement, for his part castigated a “total shipwreck”. Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share by email Share link