Ezentis, suspended from negotiation after requesting the pre-insolvency proceedings – Investment Strategies

Before the opening of this Friday, the regulator has announced the precautionary suspension of trading in Grupo Ezentis shares from 08:30 in the morning. The lifting “will be carried out when relevant information about the aforementioned entity is disseminated soon.” The CNMV makes this decision after the group announced last night that its board of directors has requested the pre-insolvency proceedings in the commercial court of Seville through of the communication of article 583 of the consolidated text of the Bankruptcy Law in a context of risk of “imminent insolvency”, after months of treasury tensions. Ezentis has explained that all this has led to a situation of “imminent insolvency, which could become current in the coming weeks. Likewise, it has reported that its subsidiary of the company in Germany has filed a declaration of insolvency with the corresponding body. In this scenario, the council has requested the pre-insolvency after months preparing a viability plan that can ensure the continuity of the company and its subsidiaries, having received support both from its main client and from financial institutions, to the extent that the premises necessary for the viability of the company today have not been guaranteed (especially the relevant cash inflow ).“The decision to present said communication to open negotiations with the creditors –which has also been adopted by the administrative body of the company’s national subsidiaries– has been adopted after obtaining the appropriate external advice and with the aim of protect the interests of the creditors and shareholders of the company, enabling additional time to reach the necessary agreements We are with the creditors”, Ezentis has pointed out. Ezentis shares have accumulated a drop so far this year of 58%, after they fell 1.06% to 0.075 euros in Thursday’s session.