Myanmar, new sentence for San Suu Kyi: 3 years

A Myanmar military junta-controlled court sentenced Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi to three more years in prison for election fraud, according to a source familiar with the proceedings that take place behind closed doors and in which Suu Kyi’s lawyers are not authorized to speak to the media. The Burmese activist and politician has been in solitary confinement in the capital Naypyidaw since June after being placed under house arrest following the February 2021 military coup. She was sentenced to a total of 17 years in prison for corruption, incitement and violation. of the Covid-19 regulations. Myanmar has been in political turmoil since the February 1, 2021 coup. The army is cracking down on protests, civil disobedience movements and armed resistance from anti-junta militias seeking to overthrow the military government by force. According to the Association for Assistance to Political Prisoners, which documents killings and human rights violations, at least 2,250 people have been killed and more than 15,000 arrested since the coup.