A problem with Pipi Estrada comes to light and Terelu Campos comes to her defense: “Never in life”

This person assures that Pipi Estrada has a very big problem: “He is a person who does not know how to recognize many of his mistakes, the friends who have met him at night know that he does not know how to control the money that is spent.” Although he affirms that “they have tried to help him”, he does not recognize him and that he likes going out to the best places in Madrid: “He likes the party and the girls. We have offered him our help, but he does not want to admit it”. A confidant talks about Pipi Estrada’s problemsIn addition, he explains that many of the things that are being said about the collaborator are lies, although others are true, but “he doesn’t deserve everything that is being said about him”, all they want is help you: “So that you can recover from this problem as serious as the one you have”. Listening to the words of this confidant, Terelu Campos could not help but say a few words: “I am not exactly a defender of this man, but I do not recognize the person who is describing this confidant, I have not seen him spend any money, have to pay to enter a nightclub, never in life”.