Russia raised a warning finger again. It warned another European state against a military confrontation | –

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned Moldova on Thursday that a threat to the security of Russian soldiers in separatist Transnistria could trigger a military confrontation with Moscow. It is reported by Sky News and the AP agency. Transnistria is an internationally recognized part of Moldova, but since 1992 it has been controlled by separatists after an armed conflict. According to estimates, Russia has 1,500 soldiers in the region, which it describes as a “peace corps” aimed at preserving peace and stability. Moldova demands their departure. Concerns about being drawn into the war “Everyone should understand that any action that would threaten the safety of our soldiers (in Transnistria) would be considered an attack on Russia under international law,” Lavrov declared. His comments underscored concerns that Transnistria, which borders Ukraine, could be drawn into the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. In April of this year, tensions rose in Moldova after a series of explosions in Transnistria, where Russian forces guard, among other things, a large ammunition depot. In response to Lavrov’s statement, the Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Russian charge d’affaires to “clarify” the minister’s words.