Registrations fall by 9.4% until August – RTVE

The registrations of new passenger cars and SUVs in Spain in the first eight months of the year totaled 533,042 units, 9.4% less than in the same period of 2021, despite the rebound experienced in August. As reported by the employers of Anfac manufacturers, Faconauto dealers and Ganvam sellers, despite the 9% growth compared to August 2021, the number of new passenger cars and SUVs sold in the eighth month of 51,907 vehicles has been 30.3 % lower than that of the same month of 2019 (before the pandemic), when 74,490 registrations were registered. By channels, in the first eight months of 2022 that of individuals registers a fall of 1.4% compared to the same period last year and stands at 233,413 deliveries; while that of companies registers a fall of 44.6%, to 75,292 registrations and rental cars registered 75,292 units, 44.6% less. Rental companies registered 16,172 vehicles last month, which translates into an increase of 27.7% in the year-on-year comparison, while between January and August the drop in this channel was 7.9%, up to 162,804 cars . Gasoline leads salesThe Spanish market was dominated in August by gasoline models, which accounted for 43% of sales, compared to a 17.3% share of diesel and 39.7% of other technologies, while Between January and last month, 43.3% of the penetration corresponded to gasoline models, 17.4% to diesel and 39.2% to other technologies. In August, the small minivan segment was the one that The most fell, 24.9%, while the sports car segment was the one that grew the most, 103.1% in the year-on-year comparison. In the first eight months of 2022, only the segment of large minivans (28% more), SUVs (13.1%) and premium (1.3%) grew. Average emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) of passenger cars sold in the month of August remain at 122 grams of CO2 per kilometer traveled, 1.3% lower than the average emissions of new passenger cars sold in August 2021. So far this year, emissions have been reduced by 3.8%.