Voice-SD calls on Matovic to cancel the vaccination lottery: Pellegrini did not hide, he was on vacation – Topky

“I never asked for anything in public office and didn’t get anything extra,” he repeated. Former head of the financial administration František Imrecze and businessman Michal Suchoba, who are accused in the Mýtnik case, are to testify about the bribe for Pellegrini.

“I can only believe that OČTK will examine all the statements well, because the journalists themselves are writing what does not fit in the statements and I believe that the truth will come to the surface,” stressed. They think that OČTK is not enough for an ordinary employee, but they want to get it “Bigger fish”.

He claims that many accused are held in collusion in bad conditions and, under such pressure, are able to say something that may not be true. “It turns out that in some cases this is the case. We have Mr Dömötör duly convicted. “ declared. Pellegrini further stated that František Imrecze was not in good mental well-being, and therefore he could use every opportunity to get out of custody.

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

He does not think that the businessman Miroslav Výboh, who is issued an international arrest warrant, could ask for bribes on his behalf. At the same time, he did not rule out that something similar could have happened during his time as prime minister. “Neither Robert Fico, nor Igor Matovič, nor Eduard Heger can rule out this,” he added.

The alleged corruption in connection with Pellegrini was to involve political support for the 2014 EUR 5.5 million virtual cash register project, which required a change in legislation. The money was to go through an intermediary, businessman Miroslav Výboh (accused within the action of Mýtnik III), the businessman Michal Suchoba had to give it to him in champagne boxes. “I won’t comment because it didn’t happen.” concluded the head of Voice-SD.

Voice-SD party press conference

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

Hlas-SD calls on Igor Matovič to cancel the vaccination lottery

The non-parliamentary party Voice – Social Democracy (SD) calls on Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Igor Matovič (OĽANO) to immediately abolish the vaccination lottery and the money “vlial” into the health system. This was stated by party chairman Peter Pellegrini at Wednesday’s press conference.

“It’s a shame to shame, people laugh at it, they’re outraged and horrified,” commented on the Pellegrini vaccination lottery. According to him, the lottery itself will not contribute at all to increasing the vaccination of the Slovak population, because the draw is watched primarily by those who have already received the vaccine. “The vaccinated person doesn’t even have the motivation to persuade another to be vaccinated, because that would make it less of a chance to win.” added Pellegrini.

Voice-SD party press conference

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

If the next draw will work first, according to the prime minister, it is only taxpayers’ money thrown away “to air”. “Therefore, I want to call on Igor Matovič to immediately abolish the entire vaccination lottery and for the funds that have been used for this, or are planned for more than EUR 26 million, to be used in the healthcare sector.” Pellegrini said, adding that a large number of examinations, operations and treatments were neglected during the pandemic. For example, not all cancer patients receive enough medication.

The party’s vice-chairman and member of the health committee, Richard Raši, said that Slovaks would be motivated to get vaccinated by real data, about which the publication of the Minister of Health Vladimír Lengvarský (OĽANO nominee) was also officially requested. According to him, cash prizes do not have an incentive effect on people. “But I think that if we learned the truth about Slovak patients, then maybe this information could become a factor where people who can be vaccinated do so out of their own convictions and convince others as well,” declared Rashi.

Voice-SD party press conference

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

Hlas-SD wants Lengvarsky to publish in detail every day how many of those infected, hospitalized or on devices are vaccinated. According to him, all civilized countries publish this data and there is no reason why it should not be published. Moreover, such an incentive step would not cost Slovakia – unlike the lottery – anything. However, Rashi claims that their calls and proposed solutions are ignored by the ministry as well as the entire government.

The first direct broadcast of the draw of the vaccination premium was also criticized by other politicians, including coalition deputies and non-parliamentary parties. So far, Matovič has promised to solve one of the technical problems, which was related to the delay in broadcasting over the Internet, but so far he has not presented the details.

Pellegrini thinks that all Afghans who have worked with the Slovak Republic should be helped

It is our duty to take care of the Afghans who helped Slovakia and there may be more than ten of them. This was announced by the leader of the non-parliamentary Voice-SD and former prime minister Peter Pellegrini. However, it rejects a possible widespread redistribution of refugees. “The voice supports the arrival of those Afghan refugees in Slovakia, and there may be more than ten of them who cooperated with the Slovak army, the Slovak authorities. If there were more than ten, we will take them because they worked with us, and it is our duty to take care of them, “ Pellegrini told a news conference that Voice-SD would not agree to the redistribution of refugees.

Voice-SD party press conference

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

According to Pellegrini, the chaos was caused by everyone, including the US military and NATO allied forces, and it is therefore a duty to help those who worked with the organization.

According to Pellegrini, he respects the soldiers who were on a mission in Afghanistan. He considers the end of this mission and the departure of the troops to be a great fiasco. He recalled that the Afghan army had acquired a huge amount of quality technology in 20 years, which has now fallen into the hands of the Taliban movement. “I would expect that if the twenty-year mission has not been successful, that at least the conclusion will have a head and a heel, it will be a gradual departure with the appropriate evacuation of people,” he added.

The head of the opposition Smer-SD, Robert Fico, reiterated that the situation in Afghanistan is an example of the failure of NATO and the United States. “The most significant shift in Afghanistan will be if the Taliban, whatever it wants, will ensure stability in the country and the country will function anyway.” said at a Tuesday (August 17) press conference. He added that negotiations on the Taliban are needed when it comes to migration.

Voice-SD party press conference

Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

In its opinion, the non-parliamentary CIS recalled that Afghanistan is a serious failure of the international community. It also called on Foreign Minister Ivan Korcoko (SaS nominee) to reject ten Afghans “as Hungary did”. “Until the rules of the European Union’s cooperation with Afghanistan are clear, until the positions of the European Community are clear, Slovakia cannot take hasty steps,” the party stated.

On Monday (16 August), Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OĽANO) spoke about the government’s decision to grant asylum to ten Afghan citizens who have worked very intensively with EU member states in recent years. The head of Slovak diplomacy Ivan Korčok (SaS nominee) said at a press conference on Tuesday (August 17) that the number ten Afghans “not carved in stone”.

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