Castilla y León intends to improve the tools to facilitate therapeutic adherence – Soria News

The therapeutic plan of a patient includes the recommendations of the different health professionals who attend to him, on lifestyle, diet, self-care and pharmaceutical prescriptions adapted to his situation, characteristics and environment, all as a guide to achieve the better results in their health. It is also proposed as a way to promote the co-responsibility and autonomy of each person in the control of the disease and in their own care, so that low adherence to prescribed medications decreases the effectiveness of that therapeutic plan .In a population such as the Castilian and Leonese, with a high prevalence of chronic pathologies and a high number of polymedicated patients, the lack of adherence to pharmacological recommendations is around 40-50%, which is why the Health Service of Castilla y León has spent years promoting activities to improve therapeutic adherence within the framework of care programs treatment to chronic patients. In this context, the experience acquired by the Community’s public health system has shown the need to provide instruments that facilitate the implementation of therapeutic plans with regard to medication adherence, and it does so from a dual perspective. Perspective: providing patients with tools for better control of their disease, more information on therapy that helps improve adherence to their treatment plan, and more information shared with the professional; and providing health professionals with means that allow them to improve information on the adherence of patients to their treatments and that promote adequate communication in the healthcare environment that facilitates review of the therapeutic plan. In order to achieve these premises, the Regional Management de Salud has embarked on a project that facilitates the development of software and an application or system with the ability to integrate into the electronic medical record, for consultation by the patient both from a computer and in a format adapted to smartphones through the corresponding app. Its implementation will allow the development of tasks that will have a direct impact on the general objective of improving adherence and monitoring of prescribed pharmacological treatments and that are part of the therapeutic plan of each patient, with the following functionalities planned for this project.Integrate in clinical history a tool capable of optimizing Create the therapeutic plan by performing a review and detecting incidents related to the medication (duplicities, interactions, maximum dose, etc.). Record the activities carried out by the professionals to evaluate and improve the adherence of each user. Add to the medication sheet complementary information adapted to each person. Make notes, by the patient, both of the administration of the medication at the time of taking it and of the self-measurement parameters (weight, blood pressure, capillary blood glucose, etc.) ; thus, the healthcare professional will be able to view these records and, if considered appropriate, integrate them into the clinical history, in order to have more precise information on the actual adherence of the patient and to be able to carry out a follow-up. Facilitate access for patients quickly to the prospectus of any available medication and other information of interest (for example, instructions for use of inhalers, advice on monitoring blood glucose, recommendations on the proper use of antibiotics, etc.). Support the patient in their adherence to treatment through calendars, notices, color codes, alert system, notices addressed to the patient as reminders of actions to be carried out. Have messaging for communication between the different professionals who assist the patient, to facilitate and speed up the performance of actions for the benefit information and patient adherence.Develop the management system of gu Care pathways to improve patient follow-up and therapeutic adherenceThis project, which has partial funding from the European Union through the Regional Development Funds (ERDF), already has its corresponding software development and is currently being tested, with the forecast that it can be operational throughout the next year.