Allier: a former gendarme imprisoned for appealing to the disobedience of soldiers – franceinfo

It is accused of having participated in the call for an uprising against the government.

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A former gendarme, member of the conspiratorial sphere and wanted since December, in particular for calling for the disobedience of soldiers, was imprisoned on Monday August 16 at the Moulins-Yzeure (Allier) penitentiary center, according to the public prosecutor of Cusset, Eric Neveu, and the lawyer of the man in question.

Christian Maillaud, alias “Stan”, 53, arrested Friday morning in Sorbiers (Loire) by the gendarmerie in connection with the execution of an arrest warrant, had been indicted on Sunday for “criminal association and incitement from military to disobedience “.

This former paratrooper and former gendarme is ppresented as one of the last conspiratorial leaders sought by justice from the movement of the National Transitional Council of France, chaired by Eric-Régis Fiorile. He is accused of having participated in the call for an uprising against the government. He is the fourth group leader, suspected of conspiracy, to have been arrested since the end of 2020.

“Christian Maillaud recognizes the facts with which he is accused. He claims his membership of the National Transitional Council and the desire to set up a new system of government. He considers himself invested with a mission to restore justice”, the public prosecutor told AFP on Sunday.

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