A busy fall: iPhone 13, iPad mini 6, Apple Watch Series 7, AirPods 3… – iGeneration

Update – Mark Gurman precise in a tweet that all of this new stuff is set to come out this fall, not necessarily in one event. In fact, we must expect several keynotes …

Original article – Apple’s fall shouldn’t breed monotony. Mark Gurman, in his weekly newsletter, draws the portrait of a particularly rich re-entry with to begin, of course, the new range of iPhone. According to the rumor specialist of Bloomberg, even if Apple should baptize the vintage 2021 of the name of iPhone 13 (thus ignoring superstitions), it would be indeed a refresh of type “year S”.

@Let’s Go Digital (iPhone 13 should not have a fingerprint reader in its display).

Hallway noise did herald quite a few little things, but nothing revolutionary – after all, the iPhone 12 marked a real breakthrough in terms of design and functionality (along with 5G). Screen always on, 120 Hz refresh, new video portrait mode, A15 chip … We refer you to our many articles on the subject (here).

This fall should also be the occasion to launch the Apple Watch Series 7, for which Gurman is planning an updated design (“ a little According to the reporter), a laminated screen, a more powerful and smaller chip, but no body temperature sensor. Here too, we took stock in this series of articles.


The AirPods 3, which the rumor regularly announces soon, will end up being released one day and why not in September. That’s what Gurman thinks: These headphones will get an all-new design that’s closer to AirPods Pro, but without active noise cancellation. All the rumors about the AirPods 3 are to be found here.

@Jon prosser

The chef’s surprise could be nothing less than the iPad mini 6, with a brand new design (finally!), Very close to that of the iPad Pro and iPad Air 4. The home button would give way to a button for ignition on the edge, with Touch ID. Exit also the Lightning port and place for a USB-C port. And the screen would be larger despite a footprint very close to the current iPad mini. And of course, the tablet would be entitled to an A15 chip. All the latest info on this iPad mini can be found the.

Finally, anyone looking forward to the new 14 and 16-inch MacBook Pros with their M1X chip could chomp on the brakes for a little while longer. Gurman is still planning a launch before the end of the year.

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