Coronavirus: update on the pandemic in the world – Orange news

published on Saturday August 14, 2021 at 11:24 am

New measures, new reports and highlights: an update on the latest developments in the Covid-19 pandemic around the world.

– Anti-health pass demonstrations in France –

They do not disarm: opponents of the health pass take to the streets on Saturday for a fifth weekend in a row with more than 200 events planned in France, a few days after the device was generalized in most public places.

The authorities expect to see “about 250,000 demonstrators” marching across the country, a police source told AFP.

The French health pass reserves access to restaurants, cinemas, museums, long-distance transport and other public places to people who have been vaccinated, recovered from Covid-19 or who have recently tested negative.

– China says it is on the verge of containing the resumption of the epidemic –

Chinese health officials have said they are on track to contain the worst Covid-19 resurgence China has seen in seven months.

Beijing also sent an end of inadmissibility to the World Health Organization, which called for better collaboration on the origin of the Covid.

No new investigation in China, no additional data, “we are opposed to the politicization of the search for origins (…) and the abandonment of the joint report. We support science-based research,” said Ma Zhaoxu , a Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.

– United States: 3rd dose for immunocompromised –

The United States authorized, on the night of Thursday to Friday, the injection of a third dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine against Covid-19 for certain people with weakened immune systems.

– Record of deaths in 24 hours in Russia –

Russia reported 815 deaths from Covid-19 in 24 hours, a record for the second day in a row which is due to the Delta variant and a sluggish vaccination campaign.

– Canada: compulsory vaccination for federal civil servants –

The Canadian government has announced that all federal officials will need to be vaccinated as the country faces a fourth wave due to the Delta variant.

– Norway: total reopening conditional on vaccination –

The lifting of health restrictions in Norway will be conditional on the vaccination of its population, the government announced.

The final step in lifting the restrictions, synonymous with a virtual normalization of society, “will be implemented three weeks after anyone over the age of 18 has been offered the first dose of vaccine”, according to the report. government, which now expects a levy around September 6. To date, some 87.2% of the adult population has received at least a first dose of vaccine in Norway.

– More than 4.3 million dead –

The pandemic has killed at least 4,333,013 people worldwide since the end of December 2019, out of more than 205.3 million infections, according to a report established by AFP from official sources Friday in the middle of the day.

The United States is the country with the most deaths (620,972), ahead of Brazil (567,862), India (430,254), Mexico (246,811) and Peru (197,209).

The World Health Organization estimates, taking into account the excess mortality directly and indirectly linked to Covid-19, that the toll of the pandemic could be two to three times higher than that calculated from official figures.

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