In Occitania, the incidence rate of non-vaccinated is 7 times higher than that of vaccinated – L’Indépendant

The Ministry of Health has released data from three files that measure the impact of vaccination on incidence, hospitalizations and deaths. And there is no photo. Vaccination protects!

The eagerly awaited data provided by the Ministry of Solidarity and Health shows very clearly that it is the non-vaccinated who are suffering the full brunt of the wave of the Delta variant, in Occitania as in the rest of the country.

Thus, by crossing the files of hospitalizations, screening and vaccination, the results are clear: vaccination protects the population of the Delta variant.

According to these data, between July 5 and August 1, in Occitania, the incidence rate of non-vaccinated was 1,386 cases per 100,000 inhabitants when it was 205 cases per 100,000 inhabitants for those who had received a vaccination. complete.

These data also confirm the results of numerous studies which affirmed that a single dose of vaccine did not sufficiently protect against the Delta variant. The curve below is particularly telling on this subject.

The incidence rate by category.
Ministry of Solidarity and Health

Up to 6 times more unvaccinated in intensive care

Likewise, at the hospital, the difference is just as glaring since, over the same period, there were 582 unvaccinated people hospitalized and 177 in intensive care.

Among fully vaccinated people, 101 people were hospitalized and 23 in intensive care. There are therefore 5 times more unvaccinated in the hospital and 6.7 times more in intensive care.

Here again the curves are very explicit.

The hospitalization curve.

The hospitalization curve.
Ministry of Solidarity and Health

The curve of intensive care admissions.

The curve of intensive care admissions.
Ministry of Solidarity and Health

Nearly 10 times more deaths among the unvaccinated

Deaths also affect the unvaccinated much more than the vaccinated, up to 10 times more at the national level, knowing that these data have not been published at the regional level. So, since May 31, 1,014 vaccinated people have died from Covid-19 for 156 vaccinated and 115 having had a first dose. A gap that is set to widen, the peak of the fourth wave being far from being reached …

Every day, for 10 Mio of each group:
• 7 hospital deaths among the unvaccinated
• 1 hospital death among the vaccinated

– GRZ (@GuillaumeRozier) August 13, 2021

As a reminder, anti-Covid vaccines offer 95% protection for messenger RNAs and nearly 80% for AstraZeneca and Janssen. This explains why vaccinated people can also be affected by the Delta variant. We now know that they are much less so than the unvaccinated.

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