DIRECT. Legislative D-5: “If you are not going to vote, I will not be able to help you”, insists Marine Le Pen – archyde

11:52 The Mélenchon-Macron equation according to Le Pen “Jean-Luc Mélenchon is not in the opposition, he is an accomplice in a thousand ways of Emmanuel Macron”, accuses Marine Le Pen, affirming that the words of the leader Insoumis on the police serve the President of the Republic. “These two are very happy that the other exists”11:46Marine Le Pen’s appeal to votersThe legislative election is, according to Marine Le Pen, a “sum of referendums, for or against anarchic immigration, for or against security and legal laxity, for or against retirement at 65, for or against a national education worthy of the name, for or against support for health and the return to a system that was the pride of our country ” , she lists. “If you are not going to vote, I cannot help you”, she insists. foundations of our social protection. Today it’s retirement. There are no other people who can prevent Macron from implementing his reform than the deputies”, still accuses Marine Le Pen. 11:35 Marine Le Pen sounds the general mobilization At a press conference in Corbelle-en-Gâtinais, in the Loiret, Marine Le Pen calls for mobilization for the legislative elections, to sweep away the policy of Emmanuel Macron. “What he will do tomorrow is the worst he has done”. The Constitution forbids him to run a third time, he has nothing more to lose and will not feel bound by the discontent that his policy will generate, “insists the leader of the National Rally. “Everything should push to go and remove , the degradation of the country is accelerating at an extraordinary, even breathtaking speed. Dear compatriots, wherever you turn your head, the affair is dramatic, the security situation is out of control. , called to vote first for the 70 socialists who stand on the sidelines of the PS alliance within the Nupes. “This agreement is not a winner, we can see that,” said “Camba”. The reformist, ecological left has lost its soul to install Jean-Luc Mélenchon who will be the moral, political leader, the reference of the union of the whole of the left, which will pose enormous problems for the future “, analyzes the former deputy of Paris. “It is not in the perspective of governing, it is in the perspective of questioning, perhaps to move things forward, but not to transform by law” because “between two solutions, the reformist solution and the radical, he always chooses the radical solution”. 10:15Mélenchon must be put “out of harm’s way” The mayor of Nice Christian Estrosi curtly refused the words of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, sticking to his sentence “the police kill”. “These words of Jean-Luc Mélenchon are unspeakable today. It is necessary in political life to put out of harm’s way the characters who express themselves in this way on the police, ”he defended on RMC and BFM. To attack the police is to harm the Republic, it is to harm democracy, it is to harm men and women who are committed, ”he judged. Faure’s analysis “The rout of Manuel Valls should give pause to those who, in its wake, continue to advocate the irreconcilable lefts and spend their time hitting the Nupes, forgetting the right and the far right…” , estimates on Twitter the first secretary of the Socialist Party Olivier Faure. 09:50 A young Nupes candidate filmed sniffing white powder . But Léon Thébault, Nupes candidate in the 1st constituency of Aveyron, 21, has been in a storm since Damien Rieu, a well-known figure on the far right and in charge of communication for the Zemmourist Reconquête party and candidate in the Alpes-Maritimes, broadcast a video in which we see the young man snorting white powder. Asked by Center Presse, Léon Thébault admitted to being the young man in the video. And gave this explanation of crushed paracetamol as a game. “It’s the kind of stupid things you can do when you’re a teenager and in a party,” he admitted. He affirms that “this does not call into question (his) commitment” and to continue his campaign but he could file a complaint for defamation. 09:30 LR, neither LREM, nor Nupes there will be no voting instructions from the Republicans, assured a little earlier the president of the LR group in the Senate Bruno Retailleau. “Many of our voters will no doubt vote Macron against Nupes but we will not give voting instructions because voting instructions no longer work, it even annoys people. People are autonomous, “he pleaded on France 2. He kicked into touch in the event of a second round LREM / RN, calling for a” vote of conviction from the first round “. 09:20 Mélenchon’s elimination clause , according to Le Pen “That political leaders question the entirety of the French police should be electorally eliminatory”, this is what Marine Le Pen writes on Twitter after her interview on France Info, of which she publishes a extract related to the case of the fatal shooting of the police in Paris, Saturday, on a car whose driver refused to stop. 09:06 Robert Guediguian behind the Nupes an unexpected chance for thousands of French people… a little more for the poor… a little less for the rich… I sign”.08:58 Le Pen focused on the legislative elections there will be a congress because we are a democratic party atic”, boot in touch Marine Le Pen, questioned on the fact of taking again or not the presidency of his party. “Let’s take care of the legislative elections, it’s a crucial election, it’s the counter-power to Emmanuel Macron. 08:55 Zemmour will not be elected, predicts Marine Le Pen “I believe that Eric Zemmour will not be elected, he has a remarkable candidate in this constituency (from the Var, editor’s note), he was already present five years ago, We did a lot of work and I scored well there. In the south as a whole, we have the possibility of electing RN deputies, ”notes Marine Le Pen. A minute earlier, she had had this sentence: “He tried to take the place of the RN. He failed. Point. File closed. »08:50 Le Pen on his objectives on Sunday« I would find it scandalous that the National Rally has less than 60 deputies, the idea that a movement which supported a candidate who arrived at 42% in the second round of the presidential election, more than 50% in 150 constituencies, and I would find it scandalous that we do not have a full-fledged opposition”, explains, on France Info, Marine Le Pen. finished”, “there is no growth in our country, we are directly on the way to a collapse of the economy”, assures, with his machine gun flow, Jean-Luc Mélenchon. 08:43 Macron, “ reasonable”, will have to appoint Mélenchon to Matignon If Emmanuel Macron refused to appoint Jean-Luc Mélenchon Prime Minister while Nupes wins the majority in the Assembly, “he would appoint someone else and we would not vote for confidence, again and again Again “. “It’s an absurd situation, what’s the point of creating a political crisis”, when there are so many problems to solve, questions the leader of Nupes on France Inter, who summarizes: “Mr Macron is a reasonable man, me too “. 08:42Marine Le Pen always defends the presumption of self-defense by police officers Jean-Luc Mélenchon “says above all the police kill. He is committing extremely heavy defamation of the police,” accuses Marine Le Pen on France Inter. She denounces an “anti-police ideology” contrary to the “presumption of self-defense” that she defends for the police. And the leader of the National Rally to estimate that “there is a feeling of impunity with regard to the police”, that the “thugs” seek to “assassinate”. “I recall Mr. Macron’s balance sheet: the debt is at its peak, the external deficit is at its highest and unemployment is masked by the use of apprenticeship, 900,000 new jobs”, storm on France Inter Jean- Luc Mélenchon.08:36Mélenchon wants “debates that take your breath away” “The strategy is that of general anesthesia. The president says to himself that we are not intervening in anything like that, no controversy and the people who vote traditionally will come and vote ”, criticizes Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “But it’s very clever on the part of Mr. Macron. (…) It’s up to us to be smarter, to bring about debates, yes, mind-blowing debates”. She is the wife of whom, she has children? We don’t talk about it. The only thing we say is Mélenchon is wrong, ”reacts Jean-Luc Mélenchon, speaking of the young woman fatally injured on Saturday in Paris. “It’s not normal that we kill someone because he refuses to comply” and, he recalls, the driver’s heavy liabilities were not known when the police opened fire up to passengers on the car who refused to comply. “When the police have the only response, after the death of young people on the Pont-Neuf, to demonstrate against justice, there we have a factious behavior, he defends. He assures that “many police officers come to see (him)” to express their discomfort with the methods. “I call for the awakening of the Republican police,” he insists. “Obviously, it is my duty” to assume these remarks, affirms the leader of Nupes on France Inter. “I say that it is not normal that someone is killed because he refuses to comply; there is the law, punishments, fines but not the death penalty. (…) “I raised the tone, and I got what I want: people know that there is a political leader who does not accept the doctrine of the use of police force in place in our country “. “Four deaths in four months, a shameful device at the Stade de France and we are the laughing stock of the world…”, he recalls. “It is necessary to stop this escalation, otherwise we will be the United States of America. I am for a peacekeeping police – a local police -, a lot of judicial police to dismantle trafficking, ”he lists. 08:23 Bertrand furious against Macron “We are one week away from the legislative elections and President Macron tells us well that’s the most important thing, the most important is the National Council for Refoundation. Parliament is not a recording box, we work on the text, in committees, we discuss it, ”defends Xavier Bertrand, unsuccessful candidate for the LR primary before the presidential election. Emmanuel Macron with his advice wants to “put Parliament on a shelf” and “devitalize” the election “before it even takes place”. 08:23 Xavier Bertrand raises his voice against Mélenchon “It’s a scandal what he said, making a business out of permanent criticism of the police, it’s a scandal. And he would like to be Prime Minister, but never in life! “, thunders, on RTL, the president of the Hauts-de-France region. 08:22Retailleau bounces back on Mélenchon’s words “He owes the police an apology. Every day that passes today, there will be a hundred police officers, gendarmes, firefighters who will have to deal with violence. They are on the front line of ultra-violence,” said Bruno Retailleau. He was questioned on France 2 on the sentence “the police kills” tweeted by Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Sunday. 08:19 Numerus clausus: Xavier Bertrand defends his balance sheet “We loosened it by 30% because we could see that we had a generation of young doctors who were not going to work 80-85 hours a week”, defends, on RTL, Xavier Bertrand who was Minister of Solidarity and Health (2010-2012). The president of the Hauts-de-France region revokes his idea of ​​a “Marshall plan” for the hospital. “We don’t need a new study, we know where the needs are”.

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