Monkey pox: the situation worsens after the discovery of cases in Spain and Portugal – The Independent

The monkeypox epidemic, initially affecting the United Kingdom, is now spreading to the rest of Europe, particularly affecting men. Since the beginning of May, 7 cases of monkeypox have been identified in the UK. This viral disease now seems to be developing in the rest of Europe, since 3 proven cases have been detected in Portugal, and 8 are being studied in Spain. Read also: United Kingdom: 7 cases of monkeypox detected… Should we be worried? Cases are increasing and concern is growing In Portugal, in addition to the 3 confirmed cases of monkeypox, 2 patients are awaiting confirmation and 15 other people are under investigation. \ud83d\udd34 Sanidad alerta a las comunidades tras detectar en Madrid ocho pacientes sospechosos de tener la enfermedad conocida como viruela de los monos— EL PAÍS (@el_pais) May 18, 2022 In Spain, c It was in Madrid that the 8 potential cases were identified. The Spanish Ministry of Health has already launched a health alert so that the population and hospitals remain vigilant. A relative seriousness The health authorities explain that it is the importance and the speed of the spread of the virus that worries the most. The links between the different patients are for the most part not established, and the modes of transmission are not well identified, which does not help in controlling this disease. However, the WHO recalls that the lethality rate of monkeypox remains minimal, especially in countries with a developed health system. In general, the symptoms disappear 2 or 3 weeks after their appearance. Usually, monkeypox causes a generalized flu-like state as well as skin rashes. Bisexual and homosexual men more affected Proven cases of monkey pox are for the vast majority from “transmission between men who have sex with men” explains Ibrahima Socé Fall, Deputy Director General of the WHO. Health authorities therefore call on men who have sex with other men in particular to remain vigilant for possible skin rashes or unusual lesions.