The tragic deaths of Russian oligarchs. They found them with dead women and daughters –

In the Catalan coastal town of Lloret de Mar, Sergei Protoss was hanged on Tuesday. Tarkosaleneftegaz, the CFO of the oil company, is suspected of murdering his wife and daughter and is likely to have committed suicide. The case also attracted attention due to the fact that a day earlier, under similar circumstances, another Russian oligarch and his family were found dead in Moscow. The Spanish media reported that the first phase of the investigation indicated that a man had murdered his 18-year-old daughter and wife Natalia with an ax while they were sleeping. However, the whole case is shrouded in mystery. The family arrived at their home in Catalonia to enjoy Easter. Protoss with his wife and children are usually in France. Protosen’s eldest son remained there, who pointed out the suspicious situation after he could not call his mother for a long time, said the Spanish station Telecinco. The estimated assets of the financial director of the oil company Tarkosaleneftegaz amount to EUR 400 million. The Russian also held a high position as another oil giant – Novatek. The family lived a peaceful life on the outside, and the whole event was all the more shocking. Only a day earlier, a similar situation took place in the Russian capital in the family of oligarch Vladislav Avajev. He previously served as Putin’s Kremlin official and collaborator, then was vice president of Gazprombanka. His body was found in his million-dollar luxury apartment in Moscow, where he probably committed suicide. Earlier, according to available information, he shot his thirteen-year-old daughter and an allegedly pregnant woman in the head, the world media reported. Twenty-six-year-old Annastasia went to the apartment after she lost contact with her family. The Russian police said they would deal with the possible connection of the case with Avajev’s professional life.