Heger faces attack from conspirators! Fake PHOTO from Buče had to deal directly with Facebook, the Prime Minister reacts – Topky.sk

As is often the case in these cases, this one in particular is a gross to indecent fabrication and a distortion of what actually happened and which, in addition to photographs, has even been documented in videos that are even more difficult to falsify. The AFP agency, which collects the facts and refutes the hoaxes, had to intervene. It is said that I made my visit to Buče, the Prime Minister complains. The Prime Minister also explained everything. “Photographs and allegations that I should have fake my visit to Buč, Ukraine, were widely distributed on social networks. The AFP agency, which launched its fact-finding service in Slovakia, examined the original photographs and also compared images from other media.” writes Heger on social media. Hoax, who doesn’t make sense from the ground up, can still be found by people who trust him. so he wanted to prove that Heger allegedly made up his whole visit to Buče. He did not even think that there were hundreds of photographs and videos from various angles of the visit, capturing not only him, but also President Leyen and many other officials. Here again, however, the dangerous factor is fulfilled by the social network Facebook, which allowed the article to be distributed to the public for a few hours, until the AFP agency called it a hoax and a fictional photomontage. During that time, however, there are comments under the posts that openly believe in this fabrication, and uncritical people can also take this obvious hoax as true. This is a very dangerous phenomenon of the public failing to verify the sources of information weakly or not at all. Photo gallery (4) Source: Facebook Several world news agencies have even made a record of the visit of the Prime Minister and the President of the European Commission. French El Pais not to mention. Below, for verification, we also present the original status of the Prime Minister with original photos from Buč. A cheap trick that can be easily refuted However, the photos that hoaxers cheaply edited have a real weakness. The original photographs of the Prime Minister from Buč are publicly available and their metadata can be easily verified. This probably doesn’t play a lot into carat conspirators. The AFP also informs about it. “Looking more closely at the metadata of the photos using the Metadata2Go online tool, we found that the photos were taken on April 8, 2022 at 3:58 PM local time with the iPhone 13 Pro Max. The photos also include exposure data, indicating that this is authentic output from camera, “adds the Agency. Photo gallery (4) Source: fakty.afp.com Sure is a machine gun However, in order for the constant doubters to be really sure, the AFP agency submitted the originals from Heger’s profile to the so-called error checking, which processes each pixel of the photo and checks whether it has not been manipulated in any light or otherwise. “We did not detect any visual manipulation in any of the original image files,” says AFP. Photo gallery (4) Source: fakty.afp.com According to AFP, these conclusions also confirm that this photo is an original and authentic picture, not a picture of a man in a cap. The blurred face of the man in the cap, which had been glued in place of Heger’s head for manipulation, was of such poor quality that they could not be traced back, not even by looking back the images. Heger faces attack from conspirators! Fake PHOTO from Buče had to deal directly with Facebook, the Prime Minister is responding