‘The science of the world to come’, the 5th edition of the Cicap Fest dedicated to the future arrives in Padua

Here we are: everything is ready to leave for this next edition, the fifth, of the Cicap Fest, the Festival of Science and Curiosity to be held in June this time, from 3 to 5, in collaboration with the University, the Municipality and the Province of Padua. The initiative will be presented at the Ancient Archive of Palazzo del Bo on Tuesday 3 May (at 12) by the secretary of the Cicap and director of the Cicap Fest, Massimo Polidoro. Daniela Mapelli, rector of the University of Padua, will take part in the meeting; Fabio Bui, president of the Province; Gilberto Muraropresident of the Cariparo Foundation; Antonio Santocono president of the Padua Chamber of Commerce and Daniela Ovadia who is the scientific coordinator of the Cicap Fest. “This year we decided to dedicate the Cicap Fest to the attempt to understand and imagine ‘The science of the world to come’ explains to the Adnkronos Massimo Polidoro, director of the Festival- With a world that is changing faster and faster, knowledge risks becoming obsolete very soon and, therefore, we will ask ourselves how can science, with its ability to interpret reality, help us to accompany the evolution of society “. (continues) Polidoro, ‘We will investigate the science of the world to come’ The scientific coordinator of the project, Daniela Ovadia, adds: “we will discuss potentially disruptive scientific discoveries, which nevertheless create fear, such as artificial intelligence, technologies for the production of energy or genetic modifications “. How can citizens give their own imprint or just their opinion on scientific progress? “‘Scientific citizenship’, that is scientific citizenship, together with ‘citizen science’, participatory science – he continues – seem to offer the possibility of direct involvement in research, but they also presuppose that citizens are called upon to discuss scientific and have their own space for training and debate “. We will see how, therefore, the community itself can make a contribution to the progress of scientific research and, consequently, to the improvement of everyone’s life. (continues) Telmo Pievani, ‘The pandemic was predicted in detail 10 years ago’ “Science navigates in uncertainty and often leads to unexpected discoveries – says Professor Telmo Pievani, Yet it sometimes manages to make reliable predictions and warn us of the risks that we run “. Today is World Earth Day: we have seen evident changes produced by the climate on our planet in the last 20 years. “The models on ‘climate change’ had long anticipated what is happening now – the delegate for scientific communication and dissemination of the University of Padua specifies – The pandemic was predicted in detail ten years ago, but we do not pay enough attention to these data . Cicap Fest 2022 is back with great guests, in a special edition for the 800th anniversary of the University of Padua, to talk about the future, a future seen through the lenses of science, rationality and curiosity “. The Italian Committee for controlling claims on pseudosciences (Cicap) is an educational and pedagogical association, founded in 1989 by Piero Angela and other personalities from the world of science and culture, including Margherita Hack, Umberto Eco, Rita Levi Montalcini, Carlo Rubbia and Umberto Veronesi, to promote the spread of a scientific mentality and to counteract pseudoscience, irrationality and superstition. His training work is recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research.