SURVEY. Presidential: Emmanuel Macron considered more convincing than Marine Le Pen after the debate between the two rounds, according to our survey – franceinfo

For 43% of respondents, Emmanuel Macron was the most convincing, compared to 24% for Marine Le Pen. 33% believe that they were as much as each other Article written by Published on 04/22/2022 10:16 Updated on 04/22/2022 11:14 Reading time: 2 min. It was a key moment in the between-two rounds of the presidential election, an appointment that the two candidates claim to have carefully prepared to convince the last undecided: the debate between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, Wednesday April 20, rather benefited the outgoing president, according to the poll carried out Thursday by Ipsos-Sopra Steria for franceinfo and Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui in France. 43% of those polled believe that it was rather Emmanuel Macron who was the most convincing, 24% believe that it was Marine Le Pen and 33% believe that they were equally convincing , after almost three hours of discussion. It is unsurprising among their own voters in the first round that the two candidates who were debating convinced the most: 85% of Emmanuel Macron’s voters in the first round found him convincing. It is less marked among those of Marine Le Pen: 65% believe that she was the most convincing, 8% that it was Emmanuel Macron, and 27% send them back to back. >> SURVEY. Emmanuel Macron strengthens his lead over Marine Le Pen, according to our barometer the day after the debate Among voters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round, 43% believe that Emmanuel Macron was rather the most convincing, 14% that it was Marine Le Pen, and 43% believe that they were as much one as the other. Same pattern or almost on the right, among the voters of Valérie Pécresse: 43% were convinced by Emmanuel Macron, 9% by Marine Le Pen, and 48% by neither. As for the voters of Eric Zemmour, it is Marine Le Pen who comes out on top with 47%, against 22% for Emmanuel Macron and 31% neither. Finally, voters of Yannick Jadot in the first round designate 51% of Emmanuel Macron as the most convincing during the debate, and 42% believe that neither was. Methodology. This Ipsos-Sopra Steria survey for franceinfo and Le Parisien-Aujourd’hui in France is based on a total sample of 1,600 people registered on the electoral lists, constituting a representative sample of the French population aged 18 and over, questioned April 21, 2022. The sample was interviewed via the internet and was formed using the quota method (sex, age, profession of the person interviewed, category of agglomeration, region). Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share by email Share link