Presidential: Macron always given the winner but the gap remains tight with Le Pen, according to a poll

The president-candidate is declared the winner with 53% of the votes, against 47% of the votes for the candidate of the National Rally. A tight score, in particular linked to a low carryover of left votes for Emmanuel Macron. No upheaval after the debate between the two rounds. Emmanuel Macron is still the winner, but by a short margin with 53% of the voting intentions, against Marine Le Pen (47%) for the second round of the presidential election next Sunday, according to an Odoxa-Mascaret poll for L ‘Obs Thursday. The study was carried out on Thursday among 1,427 voters intending to go to the polls on Sunday. The margin of error being evaluated at 2.5 points, the two voters are given neck and neck. Not a “usual score” against a far-right candidate “This score would no longer correspond to a usual score of a social-democratic president facing an adversary from the ‘extreme right’, but indeed the classic score between two usual rivals of a second round like Hollande-Sarkozy, Sarkozy-Royal, Chirac-Mitterrand or Mitterrand-Giscard “, remarks Gaël Sliman, president of the polling institute Odoxa. This tightening between the two candidates could be explained, according to the expert, by a lower vote carryover from left-wing voters than usual for the candidate LaREM.” (Emmanuel Macron) does not exceed 50% of reports from any electorate, while Marine Le Pen can count on more than 80% of reports from Éric Zemmour’s voters”, he analyzes. supporters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon partly explains the weak lead of Emmanuel Macron against Marine Le Pen, while the rebellious candidate did not explicitly encourage his voters to give their vote to the outgoing president. According to the poll, a third (33%) of these voters intend to abstain on Sunday and less than half (43%) would vote for the president. Despite the instructions of their candidate, nearly a quarter (24%) of them would also intend to vote for the far-right candidate. No big change after the debate The debate between the two -turns that took place on Wednesday did not seem to have profoundly changed the image enjoyed by the two candidates. In the aftermath of this major democratic meeting, Emmanuel Macron still sees himself labeled in the majority (58%) as the “president of the rich”, an increase of two points, and 6 out of 10 respondents consider that he could “divide again the country” if he were re-elected, again up by one point. It is not much better for Marine Le Pen, whose election would risk “dividing the country” for 65% of those questioned, although down slightly by two points. 55% of those polled also consider that she is demagogic and 54% that she is not competent (up by two points). Referring to a “status quo”, Gaël Sliman believes that the debate has apparently rather contributed to setting the voters’ voting intentions than a change.” For some, it is a question of voting Macron for his ‘presidentiality’ and his supposed competence. And for others, of voting for Le Pen because she would be more ‘sympathetic’ and ‘closer to the people'”, he deciphers. Despite this, the second round seems more than ever like an election by default for a particularly high number of voters, only 39% polled evoking a vote of membership. Outgoing President Emmanuel Macron was deemed significantly more convincing than Marine Le Pen at the end of the debate between the two rounds, according to our survey, 59% of viewers questioned believing that he emerged victorious from this exchange.