Satellite images show mass graves in a village near Mariupol –

The graves are in four sections, each about 85 meters long. KIEV. The inhabitants of Mariupol, Ukraine, who lost their lives during the siege of the city, are buried in mass graves in the nearby village of Manhuš. This was stated on Thursday by the social network Telegram, Mariupol Mayor’s adviser Petro Andryushchenko. TASR received the report from the CNN television station. He added that Russian troops had dug up several mass graves, each measuring 30 meters. According to him, Russian trucks bring the bodies of the dead and simply dump them into trenches, which he describes as an attempt to eradicate the war crimes that Russia is committing in Ukraine. Related article Related article Putin is already in a dictatorial trap Read More than three hundred meters According to Mariupol City Hall, up to 9,000 civilians could be buried in the aforementioned mass graves. AP.Satellite images showing mass graves were taken by Maxar Technologies. “Pictures taken from mid-March to mid-April show that grave rows have begun to expand between 23 and 26 March, which is still the case. The graves are arranged in four linear sections, each section being approximately 85 meters long and located in it 200 new graves, “Maxar said in its analysis. Russia has announced the liberation of Mariupol. He added that the dead bodies had begun to disappear from the streets of Mariupol. The CNN warns that reports of the burial of victims by Russian troops have not yet been independently verified. The Kremlin said on Thursday that Mariupol had been released. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday ordered the Russian army to stop its plans to attack Azovstal and ordered the blockade of the industrial area so that “not a single fly could fly there”. At the same time, he called on the remaining Ukrainian fighters in the steel mills, who had not yet given up, to do so.