PSG – Mercato: Mbappé is preparing a dirty trick at Real Madrid in Doha, new deadline in sight? – Goal! soccer club

Zapping Goal! Football Club Paris Saint-Germain: Can Ramos still save his experience in Paris? The rumors were true: Kylian Mbappé’s entourage is currently in Qatar. In its edition of the day, L’Équipe affirms that the family of the crack of PSG, with in particular his mother Fayza, went to spend a few days in the Persian Gulf. A choice certainly not made at random. Meetings with leaders have been scheduled on the sidelines of this stay, we admit internally, to discuss the situation of the 23-year-old striker. The latter has remained in France where he is busy with sports affairs and the home stretch towards the title of champion. On the other hand, Nasser Al-Khelaïfi is currently in Doha, where he usually spends part of Ramadan. , and it goes without saying that he is one of the interlocutors of this first circle where we know that the emir has many advisers. The watchword has been given: everything must be done to keep Mbappé. These negotiations also confirm that everything remains open, in Paris as in Madrid. No details have come out of the latest meetings but to date, the only certainty is that there is no agreement on either side.Raise the stakes with Real?Among the outstanding issues, with the PSG as with Real, the question of image rights, For the rest, the questions are multiple. What project for next season? What will be his place? With which players, which coach, which organization chart? After his new failure in C1, the sports daily explains that Doha has decided not to rush before making the 2022 adjustments. He has a little time left: Mbappé does not plan to decide on his future before the end of the sports season, and maybe not even before June. The subject animated a good part of the show El Chiringuito last night. “It is no coincidence that this trip leaked, understands Josep Pedrerol. The Mbappé clan has every interest in leaving the door open to an extension at PSG, but Real Madrid is quiet about this escapade in Doha. He knows that Mbappé wants to do things right with PSG to prepare for his departure. “Jesus Capitan, present on set, is not of the same opinion and believes that the Mbappé clan reserves a nasty trick for Real Madrid to raise the stakes. “The Mbappé family is playing its game to extract as much money as possible from Real Madrid,” says the former Betis Sevilla player. Kylian already knows he wants to sign for Real. »👀 “NO es CASUALIDAD que el viaje de la MADRE de MBAPPÉ se haya PUBLICADO”.🐢 “In Mbappé the INTERESA maintains the puerta de la RENOVACIÓN ABIERTA”.👉Atento al análisis de @jpedrerol en #ChiringuitoMbappé.— El Chiringuito TV (@elchiringuitotv) April 21, 2022To sum upPart of the entourage of Kylian Mbappé 23 years old) is indeed in Qatar to discuss in particular his future at PSG. Real Madrid could find themselves harmed by this escapade in the Persian Gulf not really due to chance …