Slovaks: We consider Russia to be the most dangerous country! –

The fourteenth wave of the research “How are you, Slovakia?” Took place in the period from 31 March to 7 April 2022. During this period, the Russian Federation troops continued to attack Ukraine. public discusses the geopolitical position of Slovakia, how we should orient ourselves in the world. “replied that Slovakia should” always “or” sooner “stand on the side of the West (EU and NATO) 38.9% of respondents, 45.7 % of respondents were in favor of the answer “to strive for a balanced position between Russia and the West and 8.5% said that Slovakia should” always “or” sooner “be on the side of Russia. Which country is most dangerous for Slovaks: Click HERE Orientation Russia is preferred for people who find it very difficult to come up with a budget household, respondents who have more confidence in their acquaintances than the media when it comes to information about politics and the world. Many people often believe in statements such as: “The reality is usually different from what is being told us, the world is moved by powerful secret groups according to a secret scenario.” but in each of these parties there are the most supporters of a balanced position between Russia and the West. Read more Shop, hospital, public transport or cinema: An overview of where you still have to wear the RESPIRATOR and where not anymore! Crimea Annex vs. warA similar question was asked by Slovaks in 2014 after the Russian annexation of Crimea and the declaration of separatist republics in eastern Ukraine. While the share of respondents who would like Slovakia to geopolitically focus on Russia remained the same (at a level of just over 8%), the share of respondents who would like Slovakia to stand on the West side increased from 25.8% to 38.9% and The share of respondents who would prefer a balanced position between the West and Russia also decreased slightly (from 50.2% to 45.7%) and Slovaks were also asked which countries they thought could pose a danger to the Slovak Republic. Respondents could select a maximum of three countries from around the world and rank them according to the degree of danger. Read more State changes rules for PN: In this case, you can forget about money! The most dangerous countriesRussia is the most dangerous country for Slovak respondents, more than half of the respondents ranked it in the first place (50.4%) and two thirds of the respondents ranked it in the first, second or third place (65.7%). The second most dangerous country is the USA (25.6% of respondents ranked it first) and Ukraine (8.6% of respondents ranked it first). Women are more often perceived by women than men as the most dangerous country. Respondents who see Russia as the most dangerous country are more in favor of our membership in NATO, and think that Slovakia should be geopolitically oriented to the West (EU and NATO). They trust conspiracies less and trust the media more than their acquaintances in information from the world and politics. Read more New HARDER rules on the road: Your driver can also take your driver’s license for THIS! The USA is less often perceived by younger respondents, women, as the most dangerous country. On the contrary, it is considered dangerous by adherents of the conspiratorial worldview. These are mainly party voters Kotlebovci ĽS-NS, Smer-SD, Republika and SNS, voters of all other relevant parties consider Russia the most dangerous country significantly. “The current Russian aggression in Ukraine seems to have caused a much more significant shift in Slovak public opinion than the annexation of Crimea in 2014. Russia is currently considered the most dangerous country for Slovakia and at the same time the share of respondents who thinks that Slovakia should geopolitically belong to the West, “concludes Robert Klobucký from the Institute of Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Read also: Author: mz