We put the respirators down: But mathematician Kollár points out the problem, he talks about fear! Link to people – Topky.sk

For them, according to Kollár, this break, or the end of the pandemic, is associated with a justified great fear. “Therefore, let us respect that someone continues to protect themselves by respirators in public places, let us treat these people with respect. As well as those who wear hats, shoes or gloves. Some may wear a drape or respirator because they suspect they are ill. They want to protect those around them and they don’t want to infect anyone, they may not even be sick, but security is security. We take veils and respirators as a relatively permanent part of the lives of many now and in the future, “he said. However, for most of the population of Slovakia, according to him, the use of veils or respirators in this phase of the pandemic is redundant, so it is finally time to fold them and start functioning normally. “Of course with a realistic risk assessment. There are situations in which I did not feel completely comfortable even before the pandemic – a shattered public transport or a crowd at the exit of the concerts. I ask everyone who has the opportunity to influence these things to try to minimize these situations systematically. It will help everyone, “he added. According to him, one of the big problems for many, who are not in vulnerable groups, will be the fear of passing a respirator. “We will also have thousands of people for whom the freedom of others will become their personal freedom. I have encountered such a case in the past and it has not been pleasant. I wish all these people to overcome their fear as much as possible. If you have serious problems, find a psychologist as soon as possible, and even professional help can be very helpful here, ”he thinks. Photo gallery (3) Source: TASR / Friso Gentsch / dpa He pointed out that the risks of illness or injury are constantly around us, whether in the kitchen, bathroom or on the street. According to him, learning to live with them and evaluate them wisely is very important for everyone and for the whole society. “Many of the problems we have as a country are that we, as a company, cannot properly assess these risks. And politicians, of course, often abuse it. Let us learn from the development of the pandemic so far and use the current easing of measures to reassess the other risks and fears we have. And let’s focus on the real ones, “he said. “The pandemic is probably not over and probably no one today can say what will happen in the autumn. However, it is relatively far. Until then, let’s enjoy a situation in which COVID has only a relatively small risk of exposure compared to others to which we are exposed on a daily basis. Let’s keep our fingers crossed, and we may not have to return to the respirators in the autumn. But it takes a lot of luck, “he added. Photo gallery (3) The coronavirus is still spreading
Source: SITA / AP Photo / Petr David Josek For many, the respirator is still important The Ministry of Health reacted in a similar spirit to the abolition of the obligation to wear a respirator in public. “Although all pandemic indicators are improving in Slovakia and many people already have some form of immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the incidence of COVID-19 is still relatively high. The probability of the infection will affect us especially in poorly ventilated interior spaces, in which a larger number of people move, “they said. As a respirator is one of the best ways to protect against infection, it is still important for many sections of the population to wear it. “Wearing a respirator should continue to protect especially at-risk populations, such as the elderly, people with chronic diseases or the unvaccinated. You also protect respirators if you suspect that you may be infectious, “they said. When we put respirators down completely, it’s probably hard to predict yet. The last two pandemic years have shown that with the arrival of the summer months, the incidence has dropped to almost zero. “So we think that the period when the SARS-CoV-2 virus will no longer be cut on us in everyday situations is approaching,” they added.