Presidential election 2022 live: Emmanuel Macron sends a “message of consideration and ambition” to working-class neighborhoods – Le Monde

Legislative: Eric Piolle (EELV) speaks out in favor of a “humanist arc” structured around Jean-Luc Mélenchon and LFI In an interview with L’Humanité, the ecologist mayor of Grenoble, holding the left wing of Europe Ecologie-les Verts (EELV), calls for Marine Le Pen to be beaten in the second round, and pleads for a rapprochement between his party and La France insoumise (LFI) for the legislative elections, within a “humanist arc” . Regarding the second round, Mr. Piolle affirms that he “will put a Macron bulletin, without a shadow of a doubt”. But as for the transformation on the ecology of which the candidate president claims to be, the city councilor of Grenoble considers that it is about a “foutage of mouth”. “I was also expecting him to give concrete measures on pensions, the RIC, the RSA, unemployment insurance, a referendum on the citizens’ convention on the climate… With the great debate on “yellow vests” and the Covid , he had already done it to us: nothing should be like before. And yet…”, he regrets. So after having “campaigned loyally in the service of the candidate” of his party, Yannick Jadot, having obtained 4.63% of the votes cast in the first round, the former contender for the primary d’EELV now wants the left to come together for the June legislative elections. This, around LFI and its candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who came in third place (21.7%): I hope that Jean-Luc Mélenchon, while saying that it twists our guts, calls for a vote for Macron. But he must also give a perspective by announcing that he can take the lead of a coalition in June. He is able to structure the humanist arc. This is a change from 2017, where everything was very tough before and during the legislative elections. Today, there is this assumed responsibility (…). Eric Piolle adds that “as an idea”, more than “party”, ecology must be the center of this “humanist arc”. “The programs of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Yannick Jadot were quite similar on the question”, pleads the elected ecologist.