Geopolitologist Rossi: “The Russians needed to announce the capture of Mariupol”

“The taking of Mariupol? The Russians needed to announce anything, even the conquest of a chicken coop.” Online Defense geopolitics expert David Rossi told Adnkronos, explaining that the announcement of the conquest of the Ukrainian city is due to the fact that “the Russians cannot arrive empty-handed on the eve of Orthodox Easter or until the symbolic date of 9 May. The situation is paradoxical, considering that until a few days ago Ukrainian forces, including the Azov Battalion, were still defending the city at various points. Then, for a strategic decision, they preferred to give up defending the inhabited part of the city and retreat inside the industrial compounds. The most important of which is the Azovstal, the largest steel mill in Europe. Mariupol is something for the Russians that they have not managed to conquer and which they have declared that they have taken more out of desperation than anything else. Mariupol is a fake conquest, more useful for making soldiers celebrate Easter than for obtaining something concrete. Russia once again admits its enormous weaknesses “.” Why did they make this choice and how long will they be able to defend themselves? Let’s not forget – says the analyst – that it is a structure conceived to defend against both a conventional and thermonuclear attack. All ‘inside the Azovstal there are real nuclear war-proof bunkers and, even if the Russians used the Fab-3000 bombs, with walls 3 meters thick, like those of the buildings present and built to resist, they could not achieve anything , also because they do not have the site plans. They have decided to declare the Azovstal under siege but in reality they no longer intend to throw their soldiers, who in themselves are very low morale, into this bottomless pit. and their officers exterminated as never before in Russian history. “As for the possibility that the siege of the steel plant will end in a surrender after the end of military and food supplies, Rossi points out that” it has been years that the Ukrainians expected to prepare for this clash. They knew they would be attacked in Mariupol and not elsewhere, as the Donbass border with Russia is less than 10 kilometers away. In addition to having been preparing for the Russian attack for 8 years, the Ukrainians can boast a very well trained and equipped army. They had huge spaces in which to store ammunition, which could go on for weeks if not months. As for food supplies, the Ukrainians had plenty of time to place them in the Azovstal bunkers until a few weeks ago. This will give them an autonomy of even months “. (by Cristiano Camera)