DIRECT. War in Ukraine: “The end of the liberation of Mariupol is a success”, proclaims Vladimir Putin

Find here our entire live #UKRAINE3:01 p.m .: Ukraine requests a humanitarian corridor to evacuate the civilians present in the Azovstal steelworks, where the last Ukrainian fighters from Mariupol are entrenched. These residents “do not trust the Russian troops”, writes the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry on Twitter. Vladimir Putin has called on his army to “block this whole area so that not a fly will pass” and promises “life saves” to the fighters. last night ? We’ve summarized it for you in this article and we’ve verified 12 of the finalists’ claims here. • The campaign continues. Marine Le Pen is in the Somme, from where she criticized the “arrogance” of her rival, before a last meeting in Arras (Pas-de-Calais). Emmanuel Macron, he is traveling to Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis). • Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed the “success” of the “liberation of Mariupol”, a strategic port besieged for a month and a half. He said that the Russian army would not storm the steelworks where the last Ukrainian fighters and civilians are entrenched. the Italian Minister for Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani. The term “soon” is relative: it envisages the end of purchases within 18 months, whereas the objective so far was 24 to 30 months. Italy is one of the main gas consumers in Europe, and imports 95% of its consumption. 1:46 p.m.: Ukraine will receive “in the coming days” heavy weapons from Eastern European countries, says German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht. “It’s about battle tanks, armored vehicles, or other possibilities [de matériel] that countries can give in,” she explains. Germany, on the other hand, says it can no longer donate weapons, needs sufficient stocks for its own army. resignation of its president, Vaguit Alekperov. In early March, he called for a rapid end to the Kremlin offensive in Ukraine, a rare position. A week ago, he was placed on the list of Russian personalities sanctioned by the United Kingdom. 1:01 p.m .: A Moscow court fined Google 126,000 euros for not removing content about the war in Ukraine “banned” in the eyes of Russian justice. These are videos posted on YouTube : telephone conversations of people presented as Russian soldiers, who evoke heavy losses, and a call from the Ukrainian radical group Pravy Sektor to organize attacks in Russia. is an all-time low. between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron attracted 15.6 million viewers. The two candidates are already back on the field. Follow this new campaign day in our live. • Didn’t you see the debate last night? We summarize it for you in this article and we have checked twelve statements by the finalists here. • Russian President Vladimir Putin judges that “the liberation of Mariupol is a success”. Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Olga Stefanichyna claims that “1,020 bodies of civilians, only civilians” are collected in morgues from “the entire Kyiv region”. Follow the situation in our direct. 11:47 am: Olga Stefanichyna reports to AFP “1,020 bodies of civilians, only civilians” in morgues “throughout the kyiv region”. At the beginning of April, Russian forces began to withdraw from the vicinity of the Ukrainian capital to reposition themselves in the east. Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Olga Stefanichyna. 11:21 a.m .: The commitment of French people in Ukraine is part of a “certain revolutionary romanticism” and perpetuates an old tradition of the French far right, explains to AFP Jean-Yves Camus, political scientist specializing in the ultra-right. “Ukraine is also seen as an entirely European and Christian region,” he continues. “Finally, pro-Ukrainians are drawn to the Ukrainian nationalist tradition and the myth of the insurgent army of Stepan Bandera, who during World War II collaborated with Nazi Germany (before opposing it) and fought against the ‘Soviet Red Army. he to explain his commitment. Exhausted by the battle he fought last month, he takes the time to give news to his wife and children on the other side of the Atlantic. 11:21 am: Volunteers from all countries flock to Ukraine to fight in the Donbas. In kyiv, where franceinfo met them before their departure for the East, the instructions are displayed in Ukrainian and English. Sitting in the canteen, four Brazilians have their instructions translated by a Portuguese woman. Even the commander has chosen an international nom de guerre: John. He struggles to remember all the countries of origin of his soldiers: Taiwan, Great Britain, Scotland, Spain, Lithuania, Sweden, Georgia. French people also left there. In all, twenty nationalities. Here is our report. 10:57 a.m .: Yulia, a Ukrainian woman in her thirties who fled the bombed city of Mykolaiv a month ago, is going to give birth to her daughter in the Dordogne, where she has found refuge, reports France Bleu Périgord. In France, there is jus soli, but Yulia’s daughter will be Ukrainian. She plans to return home. “There’s my husband there, and all my family.” Her husband cannot come to see her for the delivery, the Ukrainian law prohibits it because he is of fighting age. He will experience the birth of his daughter on video, with the mobile phone. 10:29 am: “At first, I just wanted to help friends, a married couple and their animals, says Nadejda. recorded a video and it went viral. Two days later I realized that it was not only my friends, but also 72 others who needed humanitarian aid.” We relate in this article how, in Russia, solidarity is organized to come to the aid of Ukrainian refugees. combat units in Mariupol. In addition to the last Ukrainian fighters, several hundred civilians, lacking food and water, are entrenched in the Azovstal factory, according to Kiev. with “success”, which kyiv does not confirm at the moment. Vladimir Putin also told his defense minister, Sergei Shoigu, that an assault on the Azovstal site was “not appropriate” and that the area should be besieged “in such a way that not a single 9:34 a.m.: Russian President Vladimir Putin affirms that “the liberation of Mariupol has been a success”. 9:10 a.m.: It is 9 a.m., here are the main headlines: • Marine Le Pen hesitant and on the defensive? Emmanuel Macron arrogant and on the attack? In the aftermath of the debate between the two rounds, comments and analyzes are multiplying. Follow the different reactions in our live. • Pensions, inflation, unemployment… After the face-to-face between Emmanuel Macro and Marine Le Pen, we checked twelve statements from the finalists. • Four civilian evacuation buses managed to leave Mariupol after several days without a humanitarian corridor, according to the Ukrainian government. Follow the situation in our direct. • We will have to wait a little longer. PSG is not yet champion of France, despite its victory in Angers (3-0). The fault of OM, winner in extremis against Nantes (3-2), which delays the deadline for a few days. 08:54: The establishment of a humanitarian corridor starting from the martyr city of Mariupol failed yesterday. kyiv and Moscow had rejected the responsibility for this failure. 08:46: Four civilian evacuation buses left Mariupol after several days without a humanitarian corridor, according to the Ukrainian government. southern Ukraine, will it end? Impossible to say precisely. “We are ready to leave Mariupol with the help of a third party”, armed with weapons, “in order to save the people who have been entrusted to us”, says a commander of the Azov battalion, one of the last two combat units in the port city. Also read Related topics