Did Mikulec pick up on the course of the case investigation? Communication with Lučanský should speak clearly! According to the Minister, it is different – Topky.sk

Milan Lučanský was detained and accused by NAKA of accepting a bribe on December 3, 2020, and from the court’s decision to prosecute until the alleged suicide attempt on December 29 of the same year, he was in prison in Prešov. He died the next day. However, since Lučanský’s arrest, elite investigators have had a mobile phone at Lučanský’s, which, despite the death of the police ex-president and the fact that his prosecution was automatically terminated by his death, he does not want to give up. Archive VIDEO Roman Mikulec on the meeting with Lučanský: I did not take any steps, I did not perceive it as a real thing According to the Plus 7 Days portal, alleged communication with the current Minister of the Interior, Roman Mikiloc, is available on the phone in the Whatsapp application. In addition, however, Lučanský allegedly took out insurance before his death and had to send a copy to a person he trusted. According to the communication according to the portal, Mikulec should have picked up the course of the investigation of sensitive cases and had a police file brought. They were allegedly in constant contact and on a daily basis to address issues related to the first wave of the coronavirus – such as border crossings, requests for exemptions from anti-drug measures, and so on. They were also to take over the tragedy at the school in Vrútky, where they were both heading. “The children are at JIS and the other at ARO after the operation, both out of danger of life,” Lučanský said. Photo gallery (6) Attack in Vrútky
Source: TASR / Erika Ďurčová Hot cases However, they had to deal with hot cases in communication at that time. “Good day! I received info that a file on NAKA Wednesday for blackmail is open at Maka, from which he is to be suspicious together with others from KÚFS. Is that so? Can I get info about the condition? ”Mikulec was supposed to write at the end of April last year. KÚFS is the Criminal Office of the Financial Administration, the head of which has just been indicted by Ľudovít Makó. Subsequently, more than a month later, Mikulec was to send Lučanský a link to an article addressing a shift in the Slovak Texas case in which Makó is involved. “Do you know about this? I would like to know how this is being investigated. And whether the investigation also took into account the fact that Makó knows Böhm, “Mikulec should have asked, to which Lučanský was supposed to answer him. six people and a tax curtailment was to be launched. However, Mikulec did not get an answer to his question. Photo gallery (6) Source: Topky.sk / Ján Zemiar He also had to find out when the police ex-president would meet him and the file he requested. Lučanský had to answer that he would adapt to him and whether he should prepare him for the next day, which Mikulec was supposed to take from him. He then had to find out again if he would come to the ministry. “As you say, I have the whole file with me,” Lučanský was to answer, while Mikulec was to inform him that there would be a plenary session until the twelfth and then he would go to the office, so let him stop at 12:30. “Have you seen this file before? PPZ-NKA-PZJ11-183 / 2018. I would like info on that. We already talked about it last week, “the interior minister was to write another day, to which the police ex-president allegedly replied” clear “. Mikulec makes sure that this means that he has looked at the file or that he will receive the information. “I’ll see. Because it is a different file, “Lučanský had to answer. Photo gallery (6) Source: Facebook Angry Zurian According to the rector of the Police Force, Lucie Kurilovská, under no circumstances should the Minister of the Interior receive a file. “Criminal proceedings are conducted by a police officer and supervised by a prosecutor. The persons who have the right to inspect the file are precisely defined in the Criminal Procedure Code. The Minister of the Interior is not among them, “she explained. Former NAKA director Ján Štefaňák added that in 2020 he received instructions from his superiors to submit the file to the management of the Ministry of the Interior. It was etched in his memory because something similar had happened to him only once during his practice. “It simply came to our notice then. My supervisor, Branislav Zurian, asked me to prepare a file. He told me that it was at the request of the president of the Lučanský Police Corps and that the Minister of the Interior, Mikulec, wanted it from him. Zurian raged. He ordered that we bind the file properly so that nothing would be lost. We prepared the file and handed it over to General Lučanský. We got him back in two days, “Štefaňák told the portal. Photo gallery (6) Lucia Kurilovská
Source: TASR – Martin Baumann According to him, the file was related to the verification of the property of the director of the military secret Ján Balciar, but the NAKA executive does not remember what the brand of the file was. However, Mikulec himself denied contact with the police files. He allegedly “never requested specific information from the files and never required the President of the Police Force to submit the files.” On the day of the indictment of Fico and Kaliňák, information about the communication between Lučanský and Mikulec came to light on the same day as information about the accusations of the chairman of Smer and three-time prime minister Robert Fico, ex-interior minister Robert Kaliňák and lawyer Marek Paru. Denim N pointed this out, according to which they face charges of founding and planning a criminal group. According to the daily, the police were to detain Kaliňák. As Fico is a parliamentary deputy, his possible detention requires the consent of the National Council (NR) of the Slovak Republic. According to media reports, both were also to be accused of endangering tax secrecy. The case is related to the Purgatory case. Photo gallery (6) Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar The police also confirmed the accusations of lawyer Marek Paru. Diary N specified that he should have been detained. The Office of the Special Prosecutor’s Office of the General Prosecutor’s Office (ÚŠP GP) of the Slovak Republic added to the social network that on Tuesday (April 19) NAKA investigator filed charges against four persons Robert Fico, Robert Kaliňák, Tibor Gašpar and Nobert Bödör for three offenses as part of the Twilight event. “The accusation concerns the crime of establishing, conspiracy and supporting a criminal group, the offense of abuse of power by a public official (in the case of RF and RK) and all four persons have been charged with repeated crimes of business, banking, postal, telecommunications and tax secrets,” the police said. spokesman Michal Slivka. According to the Office, the prosecutor of the legality in the preparatory proceedings is performed by the prosecutor of the ÚŠP GP SR. “Procedural steps are currently taking place in the case, and therefore it is not possible to provide further information at this stage of the proceedings,” he concluded.