Hope: “Stop masks indoors? Comparison in progress”

On the question of the end of the obligation for indoor masks, “we said that we would take a decision in the last ten days of April. It has just begun, there is a discussion in progress in these hours with the ministers of the relevant sectors and we will see the best choice “. Thus the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, on the sidelines of the conference on the medical question, promoted by Fnomceo in Rome, answers the questions of journalists on the possible stop from May to the obligation of the mask indoors. Read also Do doctors say to keep them indoors? “The voice of doctors is important and must be listened to. Now we have to develop our political confrontation – observed Speranza – I traditionally believe that the more a precautionary facility is held, the more the pandemic that is still ongoing is contained, such as they tell us the numbers. We are out of the emergency thanks to vaccines, but we are not out of the pandemic “.