Leak of 500,000 medical files: the Cnil imposes a fine on Dedalus – Le Figaro

The authority imposed a fine of 1.5 million euros, an amount “decided in view of the seriousness of the breaches”. The National Commission for Computing and Liberties
(Cnil) imposed a fine of 1.5 million euros on the software publisher Dedalus after a massive leak of data, sometimes sensitive, in medical analysis laboratories, which had affected nearly 500,000 people. Read alsoHow to protect medical data “The amount of this fine was decided in view of the seriousness of the shortcomings retained but also taking into account the turnover of the company Dedalus Biologie”, indicated Thursday the policeman of personal data in a press release. The data accessible on cybercriminal sites and forums included in particular “the surnames, first name, social security number, name of the prescribing doctor, date of the examination but also and above all medical information (HIV, cancers, genetic diseases, pregnancies, treatments drugs followed by the patient, or even genetic data) of these people were thus broadcast on the internet”, recalled the Cnil. SEE ALSO – Founder of “Hackers Without Borders”, Clément Domingo is on a war footing in the face of an upsurge in cyberattacks