Freezing shots from the Tatras: The bear ran after the children! Defenders warn tourists not to do TOTO – New Time

The video, which was created in the Low Tatras, is terrifying because the bear approached the tourists dangerously. However, conservationists warn that the bear’s behavior may have been caused by dangerous incentives for other tourists to feed the bears to take a selfie with them. Believe it or not, it’s really happening. Even irresponsible tourists are influencing the fact that some animals in the wild lose their shyness. “Videos showing the dangerous behavior of tourists in the forest have been circulating on social networks lately. Taking pictures of bears and shooting videos may not always have a happy ending. death, “points out the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic. At the beginning I must say that we have beautiful mountains and nature that we go to as visitors, so it needs to be … Posted by TATRY on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 Defenders point out that in the Low Tatras there was a clash of tourists with a brown bear. “Fortunately, only the woman’s backpack caught the beast’s attention. She escaped from the meeting unscathed. According to the Intervention Team for the Brown Bear, with their irresponsible behavior, visitors to the national park endanger their lives and health, as well as the life of the bear, “said the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic. There is also a video of ski mountaineers on Facebook, who filmed a bear running in the Low Tatras to a group of tourists with children. Ski mountaineers already know this bear. “A lot of people know about this cat, who more often skialp or go on a hike to Ďumbier or MR Štefánik’s Cottage, because he often hangs out there and we weren’t the only ones we met him,” the author of the video wrote for the Tatras Facebook group. “Most of you write that you would be … out of fear. I think it’s a mistake. Every encounter with a bear is completely different, there are a lot of factors. We were lucky to come across a young curious macaque who wasn’t aggressive. The turning point in the peaceful situation came when the tourists started to run away from him, he automatically ran after them, and when I left him, he also ran a little behind me. some will say that we played big guys, but that’s not the case, at that time there were several tourists with children, whom we warned and so far we “entertained” the mac so they could cross in peace, the skis are fast enough but children’s running definitely not, “wrote the tourist tourist who made the video. “Easily available and high-energy food will change the behavior of game, which makes it a danger to humans. The Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic as well as the Slovak Environmental Inspectorate, “the conservationists warn. At the same time, conservationists advise what to do if there is a real encounter with this beast in nature: In the event of an unexpected encounter instead of taking a photo or video, it is best to move away in the opposite direction, quietly and calmly, because in the event of an escape, the bear could consider the tourist escaping. booty. “