Scopelec: the Orange subcontractor based in the Tarn is preparing the redundancy of 800 employees –

the essential In difficulty since the loss of a large contract, Scopelec, subcontractor of Orange for the installation of optical fiber based in Sorèze in the Tarn, could cut 800 jobs. Orange subcontractor Scopelec, in difficulty since the loss of a major contract with the incumbent telecom operator, is preparing a social plan which could lead to the redundancy of 800 people, the company said on Thursday. ‘AFP, confirming information from Le Figaro. To read also: Orange as a firefighter to help Scopelec which is in difficulty “The management announced the plan to bring together the social partners in the coming days to prepare the implementation of a PSE (employment safeguard plan, editor’s note) which would concern 800 jobs”, declared a spokesperson for the company based in Sorèze in the Tarn, the first cooperative in France in number of employees. The Orange contract, 40% of turnover A demonstration of Scopelec employees must also be held on Thursday at Place de la Bastille in Paris. The company ensured for Orange the installation of optical fiber and the maintenance of the copper network, within the framework of a contract which expired at the end of March, and which represented 40% of its turnover estimated at 475 million euros. euros in 2021. The subcontractor, who was notified in mid-November of the loss of this contract, believes that he had no warning signs from Orange about the loss of this volume of business, and does not have had time to prepare for it.