Johnny Depp says he lost “everything” because of Amber Heard’s domestic violence accusations – archyde

“When these allegations quickly went around the world, telling people that I was a danger, drunk, on cocaine, a man who, suddenly in my 50s, beat women, it was over. You are finished”. Actor Johnny Depp claimed in US court on Wednesday that his ex-wife Amber Heard’s abuse charges had cost him “everything”. The Hollywood star had spent the hours before his testimony trying to convince the jurors that Amber Heard was the one who, in their couple, carried the blows. On the second day of his public speech, a key moment in this legal procedure for defamation, Johnny Depp assured that he had lost “whatever the outcome of the trial”. The media coverage of this alleged violence, according to him, dealt a blow stoppage of his career. “It didn’t take long for Disney to decide to pull me out of the Pirate franchise” of the Caribbean, he said of the five-movie series that began in 2003 and has grossed more than $4.5 billion. dollars at the global box office. Amber Heard accused of violence At the helm, the actor accused Amber Heard of violence she allegedly inflicted on him during their marriage, which he described as toxic. “Mrs. Heard, in her frustration and in her rage, she was hitting,” said the star of the 7th art. “It could start with a slap, a push. She threw a TV remote at my head, a glass of wine in my face,” Johnny Depp, 58, said, saying the actress had “a need for conflict, a need for violence.” spouses accuse each other of defamation during this trial, very followed and partly broadcast on the news channels, which is held near Washington, following a column she wrote in 2018. In this text published by the Washington Post, Amber Heard, now 35, did not name Johnny Depp, whom she married in 2015. But she did mention the domestic violence charges she brought against her husband in 2016. Gray suit on black shirt, serious mine, the star, on Wednesday, largely described, in a slow tone, the verbal insults and alleged toxic attitudes of his ex-wife, during their two years of union. “I could almost never go see my children, spend time with them, because she had to have me with her all the time for her own needs,” lamented Johnny Depp who added that Amber Heard regularly called him ” bad father.” Threats of suicide Faced with these alleged attacks, the actor claims to have “never gone to violence”. On Wednesday morning, the hearing focused on the injury suffered by the actor in March 2015, during a marital dispute. Accompanied by Amber Heard, Johnny Depp was then in Australia for the filming of the fifth film in the series “Pirates of the Caribbean. “She walked over to me and grabbed the bottle of vodka. She backed up and threw it at me, ”said the actor, mimicking the scene at the bar. His middle finger on his right hand would then have been deeply cut. “I was looking at my bone. The blood was just flowing, ”he testified while pointing his finger. Photos of the injury and of the actor lying on a stretcher in the hospital were displayed in the courtroom and aired on numerous media broadcasts of the trial. Asked by doctors at the Australian hospital about the circumstances of the incident, Johnny Depp allegedly lied and claimed to have injured himself while closing a door. “I didn’t want to reveal it was Miss Heard. I didn’t want to cause him any trouble, ”he then explained. Questioned by one of his lawyers, he justified having continued this relationship in the image of his father who was abused by his wife. During his first day of testimony on Tuesday, Johnny Depp had testified at length to the physical and psychological violence that his mother allegedly inflicted on him during his childhood. On Wednesday, the actor also indicated that Amber Heard would have threatened to commit suicide if he left her. Present in the courtroom, the actress, who starred in the big Hollywood productions “Justice League” and “Aquaman”, listened carefully to this story, regularly taking notes.