Ukraine, bombs in the night. Kadyrov: “Today Azovstal under Russian control”

New bombings were reported in various areas of Ukraine during the night. In Kharkiv, in the east of the country, two skyscrapers in the north-eastern district of Saltivka and several parked cars caught fire after the explosions. This was reported by Ukraineinskaya Pravda. Read also In the Dnipropetrovsk region, the cities of Zelenodolsk and Welyka Kostromka have been the subject of heavy attacks, the head of the local military administration, Olexander Wilkul, announced on Facebook in the early hours of today, without providing any information on the targets or the damage. . There is a thermal power plant in the area, while Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov announces that the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol will be under Russian control by today. “Today Azovstal will be completely under the control of the Russian armed forces,” the commander of the Chechen militias fighting in Ukraine said on Telegram, assuring that this will happen around the middle of the day. “The Ukrainian fighters remaining in the steel mills still have the opportunity to surrender in the morning hours, ”Kadyrov added, saying he was certain that if they did, the Russian leadership would make“ the right decision. ”According to Russian information, about 2,500 Ukrainian fighters and foreign mercenaries are still in Azovstal factories. the presence of about a thousand civilian refugees on the spot.