Live: G7 finance ministers pledge more than $24 billion to Ukraine

Published on: 21/04/2022 – 06:43 Additional support of $24 billion has been pledged by G7 finance ministers to Ukraine, as Russia steps up its offensive in the east of the country. Follow our live. 2:12 a.m.: G7 finance ministers pledge more than $24 billion to Ukraine Finance ministers from G7 member countries have announced that they have provided and pledged to provide, together with the international community, additional support $24 billion to Ukraine in 2022 and beyond, adding that they are ready to do more if needed. International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. “International organizations and multilateral forums should no longer conduct business with Russia in the usual way,” a statement read. 2:04 am: Ukraine is working behind the scenes to reduce Russian gas shipments via Nord Stream 1 Ukraine is working behind the scenes to convince Western allies to change the route of Russian gas deliveries from the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to the pipeline Ukraine, which would increase kyiv’s influence in its dispute with Russia, energy officials told Reuters. Such a move would force Russia to channel more of its gas destined for Europe. Moscow would thus have to pay more transit fees, which could help Ukraine’s wartime defense and deter Russia from damaging Ukrainian gas pipelines in the meantime, the officials told U.S. lawmakers and government officials. the Biden administration in Washington last week. 1:05 a.m.: kyiv says it suspects the Red Cross of being an “accomplice” to Russia A Ukrainian official criticized the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on Wednesday for not cooperating with her country over the plight of Ukrainian refugees in Russia, suspecting him of being an “accomplice” of “deportations”, accusations strongly rejected by the ICRC. 12:23 a.m .: Western ministers protest against Russia’s presence at the G20 G20 finance ministers and central bankers, meeting on the sidelines of IMF and World Bank meetings on Wednesday, left the plenary session or turned off their screens to protest against Russia’s presence. “War is incompatible with cooperation,” French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said in the opening remarks, urging Russia to “abstain from participating in G20 meetings.” . His Russian counterpart Anton Silouanov retorted: “the G20 has always been and remains above all an economic forum”. 12:12 a.m.: Westerners expect massive Russian cyberattacks on them The United States and four other Western countries warned on Wednesday that their intelligence services have information that Russia is preparing to launch massive cyberattacks on Ukraine’s allies. The countries forming the so-called “Five Eyes” alliance – the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and New Zealand – have specified that Moscow could use these cybercriminal groups to launch attacks against States, institutions , and businesses. “Growing intelligence indicates that the Russian state is exploring options for potential cyberattacks,” they said in a joint statement. “The Russian invasion of Ukraine could expose organizations both in the region and around the world to malicious cyber activity,” the statement said. “This activity could respond to the unprecedented economic cost imposed on Russia, and the material support provided (to Ukraine) by the United States, its allies and partners”. With AFP and Reuters