Delphine Wespiser (Miss France) lynched for her support of Marine Le Pen, Sylvie Tellier gets involved and her response is quite unexpected! – Audience

Delphine Wespiser has seen better days. And for good reason, since she revealed her intention to vote for Marine Le Pen, the ex-beauty queen has been living a real hell. “That’s why she cut off a little with her father, because he was him, she was something else. You see that when you look at her, when you listen to her, she really offers something. She has a form of benevolence, ”analyzed the young woman on April 13, 2022 on C8. Words that set fire to the powder … On the Web, many Internet users criticized her on this subject. This Tuesday, April 19, 2022 live in TPMP, Guillaume Genton’s sidekick, confessed to having experienced “one of the worst weekends” of his existence. Obviously, the columnist of Cyril Hanouna would have received countless messages of insults. Faced with Mourad Boudjellal who supports Emmanuel Macron, Roger’s darling wanted to explain her positions. “I am a disappointed citizen” If Delphine Wespiser assumes them, the star regrets that they were taken out of their contexts. “The media has made a big splash out of it all. They cut things and we say Delphine promotes Marine Le Pen, ”regrets the main interested party. “But in fact it’s not that. I am a disappointed citizen. If I was promoting Marine Le Pen, I would have promoted her in the first round”. is not easy.” I will not react. In 20 years, you have never heard me talk about politics, “said the current director of the Miss France committee. “It is my position alone, it does not engage anyone, I consider that I was elected by the French and that as a result, I am the miss of all French people. I therefore wish to remain apolitical”. It is said! N.B to see also: