DEA plane that will transfer former president Juan Orlando Hernández to the US arrives in Honduras this Thursday, says Minister of Defense

They reject the protection of Juan Orlando Hernández against his extradition 2:45 (CNN Spanish) — The plane of the United States Drug Control Administration (DEA) in which the former president of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández, will be extradited, will arrive in Tegucigalpa this Thursday, said the Minister of Defense of the Central American country, José Zelaya, to several media outlets. Zelaya assured that the aircraft will arrive at the Hernán Acosta Mejía air base in the morning. CNN is trying to contact Zelaya for more details; Likewise, the DEA has not yet answered a message sent this Wednesday seeking information. Zelaya did not specify whether the ex-president’s extradition will take place the same day the DEA plane arrives in the country. In this sense, the Minister of Security of the Central American country, Ramón Sabillón, said on Wednesday the 13th that the handover of Hernández to the North American authorities could take place between April 20 and 22. In addition, this Wednesday a mock extradition of the former president was carried out at the National Directorate of Special Forces of the National Police, in Tegucigalpa, where Hernández is being held. The objective of the protocol was to “guarantee security and that this entire procedure is successful,” according to what the Undersecretary of Security of Honduras, Julissa Villanueva, told the media. With information from Elvin Sandoval and Ana Cucalón.