Payment of the “energy check”: the Charentais’ turn to receive between 48 and 277 euros this week – Charente Libre

The editorial staff advises you Here are the 22 departments in which the checks will be sent this week: Calvados (14), Manche (50), Sarthe (72), Cher (18), Loiret (45), Indre (36), Mayenne (53). ), Indre-et-Loire (37), Maine-et-Loire (49), Vendée (85), Loire-Atlantique (44), Ille-et-Vilaine (35), Côtes-d’Armor (22), Finistère (29), Morbihan (56), Creuse (23), Corrèze (19), Haute-Vienne. (87), Vienne (86), Charente (16), Charente-Maritime (17), Gers. Note that, in some departments, the shipment is spread over several weeks. As a reminder, no action is necessary to benefit from the energy check, which can be used to pay bills (electricity, gas, fuel oil, etc.), heating costs in certain cases, or expenses related to energy renovation.