Presidential election 2022 live: Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen are preparing to debate; Alexeï Navalny calls to vote for the outgoing president – Le Monde

“We do not win by forgetting the essential values ​​​​of his camp”, says Guillaume Peltier to Marine Le Pen A few hours from the televised debate which will oppose in the evening the candidate of the National Rally to Emmanuel Macron, Guillaume Peltier, vice-president of Reconquest !, wished this morning on RTL that Marine Le Pen “draw a perspective for France (…) and, above all, what worries me this morning, that she does not forget the right, the values ​​of the right “, he underlined. In the first round, “14 million French people voted for right-wing values ​​and I am a little worried to see this between-two-rounds only revolve around left-wing values ​​(…). You don’t win by forgetting the essential values ​​of your camp, that is to say the values ​​of the French right”, he declared, citing “transmission, school, birth rate, immigration , Islam, delinquency”, subjects according to him not enough discussed for ten days. Marine Le Pen has insisted during her campaign on her measures in terms of purchasing power to deal with inflation and has not ruled out in recent weeks, if elected, participation in a government of “national unity ” of personalities coming “ from the Chevénementist left, that is to say from a sovereignist left ”. Earlier in the morning, Mr. Peltier, in the company of Marion Maréchal and Nicolas Bay, called, in a column published by Le Figaro, the right to unite to win “an absolute majority” in the National Assembly.