Purchasing power: 700,000 civil servants increased on May 1, announces the government – L’Indépendant

The “minimum wage” of civil servants will be raised from May 1. “It is a measure of fairness and protection against inflation,” explained the government spokesman on Wednesday after the Council of Ministers. According to a decree presented by the Minister of Transformation and the Public Service, Amélie de Montchalin, the minimum salary of the three public functions (State, hospital and territorial) will be raised next month. 1,650 euros gross From May 1, this “minimum wage” for civil servants will be increased to 1,650 euros gross (about 1,370 euros net) per month “to take into account the increase in the Smic on the same date by 2.65%”, justifies Gabriel Attal. The increase applied to the minimum salary being equivalent to 2.67%, or 43 euros gross per month. This boost prevents the salary of some agents from falling below the minimum wage level. “An increase that will benefit nearly 700,000 public officials,” he says.