Mariupol, the marine’s message: “Help us” – Video

In a dramatic appeal, the commander of the Ukrainian forces in Mariupol fears that “probably” they are their “last days, if not hours”, and asks for “help” in moving to a third country. “The enemy is ten times more numerous than us – says Serhiy Volyna, commander of the 36th Ukrainian Navy Brigade in a video message posted on Facebook – We appeal to all world leaders to help us”. Volyna speaks of Russian advantage from artillery to ground forces, passing through vehicles and equipment while the Ukrainians defend only the Azovstal site. Volyna calls for an “exfiltration procedure” and asks that all, soldiers, more than 500 wounded fighters and hundreds of civilians, be brought to safety on the territory of a third country. “This is our appeal to the world – he says – It could be the last appeal. We are probably facing our last days, if not hours”.