Covid, Galli: “No advantage from being hosted on TV, the only objective is scientific truth”

“I was called on television to get more plays with this or that considered expert. My only goal was to say what was correct from the scientific point of view without any form of enslavement. I never received a cent, I never signed a contract. I wasn’t there to bring out the advantages, indeed, perhaps it was more the disadvantages “. This was recalled by the infectious disease specialist Massimo Galli, a guest at ‘The Breakfast Club’ on Radio Capital, answering questions on the television hosts that saw him as a protagonist during the hottest months of the Covid-19 pandemic. “Many people – he observed – have climbed on this wagon despite having different experiences: one may be the best of electricians, but if you have flooding in your home it is better that you turn to a mediocre plumber rather than the best of electricians. there are many people who had their say on Covid with a specific experience, but in other fields, perhaps even with an excellent scientific curriculum “. Speaking of the hypothesis of removing the masks indoors, Galli stresses that it is “a discreet nonsense. The mask is an individual protection tool and in certain contexts removing them means excluding the frail”. “If a person does not have a brilliant picture from the immune point of view – he stressed – he can get all the vaccines he wants, but in any case he will have partial or absent protection. If he wants to go on public transport, he will wear a mask, but if he others will not have it, this person risks it. At the cinema or at the theater the speech is the same. We must respect the people defined as fragile and then we must take all possible measures to keep the activities open and limit the spread of a virus that is not so good-natured is”. “If someone sees the mask as an instrument of coercion and limitation of freedom”, according to Galli, “they have a vulgar view of the problem. Like saying that you don’t wear a motorcycle helmet because it limits freedom. Maybe it’s a nuisance, but it protects you. even if not 100% of the accidents “. Finally, commenting on the lockdown in Shanghai, the infectious disease specialist explains that China “is wrong. They behave with Omicron and ‘sons’ as they did with the Wuhan variant, but these variants have greater spreading capacity. Especially in China. , where they vaccinated a lot, but they vaccinated poorly. The Chinese vaccine is less effective. “