DIRECT. Presidential 2022: more than a few hours before the debate between the two rounds between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen – franceinfo

Find here all of our live #PRESIDENTIELLE09h12: It’s time to make a new reminder of the main titles: • This is the highlight of this between-two-rounds: Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron are debating this evening. Themes, order of appearance, duration… We detail everything you need to know about this meeting. • A few hours before the debate, some are still undecided. Others have already made their choice. We give the floor to those who know who to vote for on Sunday. The voters of Emmanuel Macron explain themselves here, those of Marine Le Pen there. Ukraine which is devastated and besieged. Follow the situation in our live. • The candidacy is now “very likely”. The Finnish Parliament is beginning to debate NATO membership to better protect itself against possible Russian aggression. -Saint-Denis, Eric Coquerel. “I think that, whoever wins, it won’t be a wave like we had in 2017, if only because you have, coming out of this election, three almost equidistant poles. You have the pole neoliberal embodied by Mr. Macron, the far-right pole embodied by Marine Le Pen and the popular pole embodied by Jean-Luc Mélenchon and the Popular Union”, he remarks. 08:47: Hello @Marianne. I repeat, I maintain it, as I replied to Arno earlier: when you give power of attorney to a person, it is imperative that they come to your polling station. I previously gave a link to the service-public site (the official site of the French administration). There, I share a link to the official site In the sub-menu “To whom can I give power of attorney?”, you can read this in particular: (MAPROCURATION.GOUV.FR)08:44: #PROCURATION. Hello. It seems to me that this year you can vote by proxy in your own polling station. No longer obliged to move to another. 08:39: Marine Le Pen assures that she is not “climatosceptic” and that her program “takes ecology into account”. The precision is essential because, according to our analysis of his program with The Shifters, his project is “very far, even contrary” to the climatic objectives of France. His latest statements confirmed this assessment. On France Bleu, she notably reiterated her opposition to wind turbines, an “economic and ecological devastation” according to her, while all energy transition scenarios provide for the development of this energy, alongside solar. Find our explanations in this article. greenhouse gases, Emmanuel Macron has made ecology the subject of his campaign between the two rounds. He added to his program the appointment of a Prime Minister “directly responsible for ecological planning”, “because this concerns all areas, all sectors, all expenditure, all equipment, all investments, in short all policies”. 08h28: Ignored so far in the campaign, climate issues have emerged in the debate after the first round. The two candidates thus took the floor to clarify or amend their program. Our journalists Thomas Baïetto and Camille Adaoust detail how Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen (more or less) reviewed their copy during the between-two rounds. (HUGO AZMANI / HANS LUCAS – EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP) Luc Mélenchon can be the Prime Minister of any President of the Republic”, estimates on franceinfo Manuel Bompard, MEP for rebellious France: that of Emmanuel Macron or that of Marine Le Pen. The Popular Union candidate, who came third in the first round, asks the French to “elect him Prime Minister” during the legislative elections. debate against Emmanuel Macron? “In truth, it’s a bit naive to think that we are preparing a few hours before, declares in the” 4 Truths “, on France 2, Jordan Bardella, the interim president of the National Rally. We can prepare for it – maybe not for six months, for five years. It may be the exercise of a lifetime and for five years we have been working hard to provide answers to the daily lives of the French.”(FRANCE TELEVISIONS)07:54: Hello @Arno. If you vote by proxy for your son, you must go to his polling station, as explained on the Service-public site (in the sub-menu “how does the proxy vote take place?”). , can I vote by proxy for my son in my polling station and not his? Thank you. 7:40 am: You will not be able to go to your polling station on Sunday? It’s not too late to make a power of attorney. Here’s how. (FRANCE TELEVISIONS) 07:34: “This time, I’m voting for her. We’ll see what happens. I find her just in her words. She doesn’t sell us dreams. And then, she’s a woman!”, exclaims Valérie, 51, market saleswoman, Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône). Find more testimonials in our article. (PIERRE MOREL / FRANCEINFO)
7:32 a.m.: “I’ve always heard promises, but I’ve never seen anything. The right, the left, they haven’t done anything. So we want to try something else.” Michel Diallo, 80, retired who in Châteauneuf-les-Martigues (Bouches-du-Rhône), explains why he will vote for Marine Le Pen on Sunday. (PIERRE MOREL / FRANCEINFO) 07:29: Their candidate debates this evening. Four days before the second round of the presidential election, Marine Le Pen voters have made their choice. We went to meet them, from Bouches-du-Rhône to Pas-de-Calais via Indre-et-Loire, Lille and Aisne. They tell us why they decided to vote for the RN candidate. (PIERRE MOREL / FRANCEINFO) 07:26: “I like what Macron has done over the past five years and the image he sends back from France The entrepreneurial side, a dynamic young executive who speaks English, I like that,” says Charles André, 31, salesman in Wissous (Essonne). Find more testimonials in this article. (PIERRE MOREL / FRANCEINFO) 07:27: “So yes, everything was not perfect, but given all the problems [Emmanuel Macron] had, he did well. As they say: ‘Of all the evils, you have to choose the least'”, recognizes Yvon, 75, retired, former soldier, in La Fère (Aisne). (PIERRE MOREL / FRANCEINFO)
7:28 a.m .: Supporters of the first round or rallied from the second round, they will vote for Emmanuel Macron on April 24. Four days before the second round, we went to meet more or less convinced supporters of the outgoing president. They tell us why they will slip a ballot in his name into the ballot box on Sunday. 7:02 a.m .: For its part, Liberation returns to ecology, which must be addressed during the debate between the two rounds. 6:58 am: “Marine Le Pen beyond appearances”, title La Croix. The daily believes that behind her softened image, the National Rally candidate remains radical and a far-right candidate. 6:56 a.m .: Of course, tonight’s between-rounds debate is on the front page of many newspapers this morning. “The poster is the same as in 2017 but the issues are very different”, writes Le Parisien / Today in France. 7:29 a.m .: To shine at the coffee machine this morning, here are six anecdotes about the debates between the two rounds that have marked history. In this article published on franceinfo in 2017, we recounted low blows, “false” documents brandished by a candidate, or even a focus on the length of the table between the two candidates. 07:09: The 2017 debate, which already opposed Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron, had been watched by some 16.5 million viewers. It was the worst audience for a debate between the two rounds, in the entire history of the Fifth Republic, noted Le Parisien / Today in France. 06:42: For this new debate between the two rounds , in management, the rules are strict: no question, for example, of filming a candidate reading his sheets or drinking water. We detail in this article what you need to know about this highly anticipated face-to-face. (FRANCE TELEVISIONS) 07:25: France Inter details the pitfalls that Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron want to avoid. After her missed performance in 2017, the RN candidate intends to appear credible. “Let people say to themselves at the end, that with Marine Le Pen, France will not go to shreds”, sums up a party executive. For Emmanuel Macron, the challenge is to succeed in defending his balance sheet. “An exercise from which we rarely emerge victorious”, comments the station. Another point of attention: avoid appearing complacent. “A smile that is too frank and recurring could seem too arrogant”, observes a faithful. . “It’s a psychological preparation, almost of a sporting nature”, slips one of the sparring partners of the RN candidate. Emmanuel Macron, he must preside over a Council of Ministers during the day. Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron will debate tonight. We’ve summarized the rules, topics covered, and how the two contestants are preparing. To put all this into perspective, we return to the history of these debates, and their importance in the final result. • Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who came third in the first round, called on the French to “elect him Prime Minister” designating a majority of People’s Union deputies in the legislative elections. He claims to be open to all rallies, but wants to keep his program. • “We may be living our last days, even our last hours.” So says Serguiy Volyna, a commander of the 36th Brigade of the National Navy, a Ukrainian officer besieged in Mariupol. He calls on the international community to proceed with their “extraction”. • The Israeli Air Force carried out strikes against the Gaza Strip, the first in three months. She reacted to rocket fire from the Palestinian enclave.