Ukrainian correspondent: The war is changing, Shoigu is alive –

19. Apr 2022 at 18:08 I Paid content Read an overview of what is happening in Ukraine. Loading … Ukrainian newsletter: Summary on 19/4/2022 “KIEV, BRATISLAVA. The Ukrainian government claims that Russian troops have no chance to break through its defenses, and experts speculate on who will play the spring weather and the associated softer soil. Soldiers from the city have regrouped and are continuing to defend other areas.The article continues with a video ad. spoke last week. Shoigu does not see Russia’s intransigence despite the huge losses or the determination of Ukrainians to defend their country from invasion, but the West, led by the United States. Check out Monday’s main news from the war in Ukraine. The battle for the Donbas has begun. A new phase has begun in the war in Ukraine. [email protected] so we can help you. “data-msg-btn-logout =” Log in as another user “data-msg-btn-close =” Stay logged in “>