Ukraine, the expert Razzante: ” From ISIS marketing of terror but threat is concrete ”

The audio message, broadcast on Telegram by the new ISIS spokesman, Abu Omar al-Muhajir, falls within the ” marketing of terror ” therefore ” exploits the war to obtain an advertising effect ”, but it is nevertheless ” a threat concrete that can also lead to an indirect attack, that of some radicalized who accepts the invitation ”. So at the Adnkronos prof. Ranieri Razzante, Cybersecurity Advisor to the Undersecretary of Defense and terrorism expert, on the appeal launched by ISIS to exploit the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to attack Europe. ” ISIS has exploited all possible situations of conflict and destabilization to insert itself – explains Razzante – This is what terrorists normally do, but those of ISIS are specialized in what I call terror marketing, which works like this: even if you will never do anything you create the expectation to have an advertising and consensus-enhancing effect around you. As if to say ‘look, we are here, you thought you had defeated us but it is not so’. We will never know who is behind these statements, but it is evident that it is indirect advertising for the Islamic State, which was losing ground because we had not talked about it for some time. Returning to the scene already produces a result. I was expecting such a thing at any moment. ” And on how concrete the Razzante threat is, he adds: ” It is absolutely concrete and I believe that attention will be brought to the maximum level: a war, mostly insipid like this, it paves the way and does a huge favor to terrorists by diverting investigative and intelligence attention from preventing possible attacks. It is a credible threat because ISIS is angry with those it calls the ‘crusaders’ and therefore with the states of NATO and the Western bloc. Taking the cue to be able to attack the states of the western bloc again is a great opportunity. I don’t like doing psychological terrorism, but I don’t think it’s fake news. The attack can be indirect – repeats Professor Razzante, who heads the Research Center on Security and Terrorism – that of the radicalized who lets himself be fascinated, accepts the invitation and blows himself up with a belt or uses sidearms, a mechanism that we have seen so many times and that we don’t need to repeat it ”.