“The Secret of the Lost City”: Sandra Bullock and Daniel Radcliffe reveal having suffered a lot – 20 Minutes

She is a successful novelist. He is a power hungry villain. The characters played by Sandra Bullock and Daniel Radcliffe in The Secret of the Lost City by Aaron and Adam Nee trudge through the jungle in search of treasure. Channing Tatum and Brad Pitt join them for this film full of humor and action. “I believe that a good adventure film is something that intertwines lots of different tones, confides Daniel Radcliffe to 20 Minutes. There has to be action and a story moving forward all the time. For me, you have to feel a real danger, a real peril in which the characters are caught. The Secret of the Lost City fits that description perfectly. The heroes drool over them in the jungle and the actors were not left out, as they told us. In heels and in costumes “The hardest part was wearing high heels for three months in the jungle, says Sandra Bullock. I still physically pay for it but it was a good move as it added to the comedy. In a sequined pink tracksuit, perched on these awkward shoes, the actress is very funny with her look of a lost city dweller who discovers unexpected resources in adversity. Daniel Radcliffe is just as fun in fancy suits, not exactly suitable for the heat. “Initially, the directors imagined that we were going to have this very cool character, all the time unfazed and I ended up telling them to forget that he is a human being without sweating! Sweating always happens eventually. The rhythm of the film is frenzied around the two actors without forgetting their partners who are in unison with their delirium. “The chemistry and the dynamic between the characters are crucial, insists Sandra Bullock. When it works, it’s really fun to watch. Seeing daredevil adventurer Brad Pitt give survival lessons to Channing Tatum as a good-looking, nerdy, good-natured actor is very heartening. All and all play the higher bid to provoke laughter in magical settings. The Secret of the Lost City has no other claim than to have a good time in the company of charismatic performers. This adventure film with incredible adventures and numerous gags effectively fulfills this contract.